66 | wherever

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Jimin's POV

I am the most unproductive human being on earth. It has been almost a half hour ever since I arrived at this Cafe and I'm not even close to finishing my philosophy assignment.

I haven't even started writing my paper.

Exams are over and I feel more tired than ever. Hypothetically speaking, I am considered free and now I have the luxury to just sit in a semi crowded cafe all by myself, sipping on my double espresso without a care in the world. The only thing that keeps me awake is the caffeine. Well, caffeine and the migraines. I'll probably have to make a stop at the pharmacy before practice for a pack of aspirin or ibuprofen. I swear these headaches are gonna be the death of me, but it's a known fact that caffeine helps reduce inflammation therefore I feel more relief and it really helps against headaches.

Apparently, everyone is having the time of their lives now that they're lifted from the burden of the exams. Tae is out partying with some guys from his department and Jungkook has flown to Seoul like he always does when he's bored with New York. My colleagues are either typically busy practicing or clubbing. I even called Yoongi earlier in hopes that he could spare an hour of his precious time but he declined on me again because he wanted to go out with this chick he's seeing. He still doesn't want to admit that he's whipped but when he realizes it, it's gonna hit him hard.

I really need to stop procrastinating and thinking about everyone because this paper isn't going to write itself.

When I finally gather the courage and the strength to open my laptop, I notice the door open from the corner of my eye. A girl walks inside in an oversized cinnamon colored sweater tucked in her jeans and a sand toned coat. The sleeves of her sweater are folded and she reaches for her wallet in her bag with her small hands. She's attractive, I think to myself even though her back is against me. Her dark brown hair is tied in a low ponytail and the messy cascading curls remind me a lot of-

"Hi, I'd like a cappuccino." The pretty girl says sweetly to the other brunette that's taking her order. "With some extra whipped cream please." That's peculiar, her voice sounds familiar. As she waits for her cappuccino, she rests her side against the counter and tilts her neck. Her brown eyes find mine almost immediately and I gulp.


How the heck does Elena Thorne show up wherever I go at the most unexpected moment?

"Elena," her name leaves my mouth as my body gets off the chair on its own accord. She lifts her hand mid wave and her mouth is slightly open, yet she says nothing.

Until she finally does.

"Hi Jimin," she says in a small voice.

Why so nervous? I want to change that.

"Come sit with me." I tell her in a suggestive manner, giving her the space to choose whether she wants to join me but at the same time my kind request is difficult to refuse. "It has been a while since our last encounter." I pick my words carefully.

Her mind is probably going at our last encounter when she was in an enticing disguise.

Elena takes a deep breath and clutches the wallet in her hands. "I'd love to, but I actually have to be somewhere."

What a shame. It's currently eight thirty and my guess is that she's either headed at the strip club or she actually has decent plans. "If you can could you perhaps spare a few and keep me company?" I ask her politely and her brows forrow. "That is if you're not in a hurry of course."

Good job Jimin, I tell myself. You sound like a desperate loser.

She tucks a stray strand behind her ear and before she responds, the cashier puts the coffee on the counter. "Its 5.14$" The brunette from earlier says and Elena takes out a bill and hands it to her.

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