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Jungkook's POV

"Jungkook," Elena says in a hushed voice. "Fuck me." Her glossy brown eyes look like melted chocolate in the darkness and those curly long lashes coated in black paint leave faint smears as she blinks. Her hair is no longer pinned up and her long lively spirals dangle loosely over her waist.

Both her legs are raised and separated, her most delicate area exposed to me. Her sex is dripping wet yet I haven't even touched her yet. The skin seems smooth I can tell that she's shaven today and the fact that she dedicated time to beautify herself for me makes me thrilled. Seeing her like this bare and open, her hands tightening on the sheets as she waits for me to pleasure her just makes me want to torment her a little more. And that demanding tone won't do for now, because I want something else. Something more.

"How about you ask nicely Eye Candy?" I say and drag my teeth across her hip bone area. "Then you might have a better chance at getting what you want."

Her chest is heaving up and down, and her rosy nipples look softer than ever, round and slightly pointy ready to be sucked and manhandled. I kiss her inner thighs some more earning a few more helpless gasps and desperate groans when she glares at me with that pleading expression on her flushed face.

I proceed to nip on the area that connects her inner thigh and her sex to relieve some of the pressure that has bubbled up in her. I suck on that precious little spot only for her to whine with want and for some reason that makes my dick hard. When I had sex with other girls, I despised hearing them whine. They were always so clingy and needy but when it comes to Elena, I find myself wanting to push her to her limit.

She attempts to close her legs but I use my hands to keep them apart. "B-but you said I deserve it." She says helplessly. "You said you want to make me feel good."

"That doesn't mean you get to make demands." She bites her lip and reaches with one hand down to her pussy, but I catch her wrist and prevent her from touching herself. "I am the one who's in control of your pleasure." I kiss her navel and let ahold of her wrist. "Now, lie down and put your hand behind your head like a good girl if you want daddy to fuck you good."

She bites her lip and listens to me. Her hands are lost behind the chaos of her hair and spread her legs further revealing her glistening folds. I run a finger along her wet lips and tries she lowers her hips, but her attempt goes in vain when I steady her with my free hand.

"No, baby you only take what I give you." I tell her quietly and I can see her swallow hardly and roll her eyes. That's when I insert a digit and rub against her folds. I want to start off agonizingly slow, just to see that yearning expression that paints her features. She's trying so hard not to move that all of her muscles are tightening altogether all the way to her core.

A second finger slides in easily as I pump them in and out of her hitting her clit in the process. Cold sweat has formed on the surface of her scorching hot skin. Her nipples have pebbled up and when I enter a third digit it gets almost immediately sucked in her silky flesh. She takes a deep breath from the stomach and I fasten the pace as I thrust my fingers inside her. I keep abusing that sweet spot of hers and the evidence of her arousal flows all the way down to my knuckles.

Her mouth opens slightly and I kiss her while finger-fucking her tight cunt. My lips envelope hers and she arches her neck to get a better angle. I slide my tongue in her mouth and our teeth clink before it collides with her own. I suck on her tongue and all those different sensations seem to be overwhelming her at the same time causing her to moan in my mouth. I cup her pussy and use my thumb to gently squeeze her clit. She lets out a breathless sound that makes my cock pulse in my jeans and I caress her cheek with my other hand.

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