14 | lip gloss, lipstick and a hug

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After what happened at the Golden Closet I never expected myself to be standing in front of his house-mansion three days later waiting for him to open the door in order to organize my birthday party. Yoongi already texted me that he'd come in fifteen minutes but that was way too long. Jungkook can come up with a scheme to make my life a living hell in less than fifteen seconds. Going to his home is like I'm surrendering my skin to the lion' den.

A sweet voice suddenly interrupts my worries "Hey birthday girl," I turn around only to face Park Jimin's cute round face. It's strange but whenever I see him I always turn into a giggly and smiley mess. My heart beats like crazy and I stutter when I talk. My stomach feels like killer bees invaded me to the point I want to puke out of happiness. He's so kind and sweet and caring and so innocent looking that I want to either poke his full cheeks or give him the night of his life. Either thing would be fine by me.

My face immediately brightens with his presence and I smile. "Hey," I greet.

"Happy birthday Elena," Jimin beams and gosh I can feel my legs turn to jelly. He's such a sweetheart. He then presents me a small gift bag and flexes his arm reaching for his neck. "I got you something..." He says "It's not very expensive, but I figured that you'd put it to good use."

I giggle as he hands me the white gift bag. There is a pink ribbon around the handle. What did he get me?

"Aren't you going to open it?" He asks nervously.

Bitting my lip I nod. "Yes," Then I undo the ribbon and open the bag. A peach colored lip gloss is inside its wonderful packaging. I can't believe he noticed me wearing lip gloss.

"I love it." I grin like a happy child. "Thank you."

"I've seen you wearing this kind of stuff before lectures so I thought it was a good idea." Jimin mutters shyly. "I'm not weird, I promise."

Fireworks are setting off inside me right now. They explode in the imaginary sky of my heart and I'm feeling euphoric. All of my worries and troubles melt into nothingness and Jimin's responsible. I just-I want to kiss him!

And just when I thought that this moment couldn't get any better the door behind me opens and Jungkook, the fucking happiness terminator appears with a frown on his face.

The fuck's his problem?

"Hey Jungkook," Jimin greets and climbs the rest of the marble stairs. That's when I realize that we were at the same height because he was two steps lower. Did he purposely not climb all the stairs at once so that he could have direct eye contact with me when he gave me his gift?

"Hey," Jungkook says, his dark eyes set on me. "You. Come with me."

Jimin looked like he was about to protest when Jungkook grabs my wrist all of a sudden and drags me inside his huge ass mansion. His home isn't big, that's an understatement. It's fucking massive. The interior design is modern there's a lot of marble and gray, black and white shades. A scent of old scotch and mint lingers on the air and that convinces me entirely that he's probably hired a housekeeper to take care of the place. Jungkook doesn't seem like the kind of person who spares time on doing chores or even lifting his finger by himself. I bet he was raised like a king. His parents spoiling and pampering him while he treats everyone around him like servants and worthless of his respect. I hate people like him. I hate Jungkook.

When we reach the kitchen, which by the way is twice the size of my own bedroom I try pulling my hand from his firm grip. "What the fuck Jungkook!" I hiss groaning in pain. Man, his hands are so fucking strong its impossible to resist him. Blue veins are branching out on his wrists and I find myself getting lost in those woods.

Jungkook just walks me back to the marble kitchen counter and places a hand on each side of me. My wrist feels numb from the pressure he applied when he dragged me away from Jimin. His coal eyes are two black bullets piercing through mine. A grin is lingering on his mouth and its like he knows exactly what I'm thinking. What on earth does he want now? It's my freaking birthday for crying out loud! Can't he just stop acting like a complete douchebag and give me a break just for today?

"What is it now?" I snap. "Can't you just-I don't know lay off just for today? It's my damn birthday."

"I'm aware of it Eye Candy." He smirks and leans in to me. His lips graze my ear and his scorching breath sets fire on my skin. My chest is heaving already and it's troublesome to keep my breathing stable when he's so fucking close. "Happy birthday." He whispers and my legs turn into butter. I can't find the strength nor the courage to respond because I'm too overwhelmed by his closeness. I can't think clearly. I need willpower and him being inches away from my skin creates a hunger I never knew I had until I met him. He's so fucking good looking that I want to tear off that black T-shirt of his and dig my teeth into his flawless skin.

When his lips come in contact with my skin I gasp like I just touched something burning. I try to scoot away but with Jungkook's hands on each end of me it's hard to escape the man made cage. He smells heavenly and I feel like I want to stay inside that little prison he just created. He kisses my neck and I close my eyes. He strangely doesn't bite me or nip on my flesh. Instead, he's treating me nice for a change when his large hands roam on my hips and lift me up on the counter. I'm face to face with Jungkook and he kisses my jaw. His hands hook on the waistband of my skirt and I suck in a breath when he uses his waist to part my legs. I find myself grabbing his black T-shirt and pulling him towards me. I grind against his crotch and he groans. He's getting hard and I like that even though he hates me I have this sort of effect over him. Jungkook's lips finally find mine and we kiss our tongues battling for dominance. But when his hand slips under my skirt and traces circles on the inside of my thigh, he distracts me and finds his way inside my mouth. He kisses me deeply, the passion the kiss held could trick me into thinking that he has actual feelings for me. But I know he's a cold and heartless monster. He did tell me in the Golden Closet that I was only a good fuck and nothing else. I can't let myself get fooled again. What we have is just sex. Jungkook is manipulating me, taking advantage of me while holding my secret as blackmail.

His lips finally leave mine and I'm a panting mess. My lip gloss has vanished and some of it has stained Jungkook's lips. I feel somewhat proud that I left my mark on him. I don't tell him though because I want everyone to see it even though they don't know that I'm the one who left that on his skin. Jungkook reaches for something in his pocket and pulls it out. He grabs my hand and places the object in my grip. Its a lipstick. I open it and twist the tube so that the stick protrudes. The most eye piercing scarlet color comes into view and I can't hide how much I like it.

"Oh my God thank you!" I squeal and without thinking I wrap my arms around Jungkook. He smells like leather and mint and he's so warm. "I love it!" I say and he stiffens in my grip. That's when I remember that he loathes me more than anything. To my surprise he hugs me back, his touch careful and gentle. I've never experienced this side of him.

Maybe he isn't that bad after all.

The bell rings and he draws away from me. I miss his warmth already.

"Kook!" Jimin yells. "It's just Yoongi!"

My heart beats rapid at the sound of Jimin's voice and jerks me back to reality. This isn't right. I shouldn't be with Jungkook. He isn't good for me.

But Jungkook doesn't reply to his friend. Instead, he turns to me and says "Don't do anything with Jimin tonight Eye Candy."

I gulp and before I respond by telling him that he can't tell me what to do he says in a deep tone "Trust me, I'll know if you do."

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