48 | when the water drains... cum for me and we'll cuddle after

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Biting my lip in agony a seductive smile lingers across my face as I lower my hand down to my sex. Having him watch me sure is challenging and it makes me feel like I'm a little slut, but I'm his little slut. I want to please him by touching myself like this. I want him to take control of my actions and tell me exactly what to do and when. In the past I would never admit to myself that I would ever surrender to someone's carnal desires like this. I realized that submitting means winning. Jungkook was desperately trying to control himself around me all evening but in the end of the day he still has needs and no matter how perfect of a gentleman he is, there's always this predatory side of him that enjoys being in charge. It makes him feel genuinely powerful and more confident in a way. He's not like other males who only use sex as an excuse to man up or escape, because Jungkook actually regains control by having sex. He enjoys it too much and to be fair there's absolutely no problem with a man or woman to enjoy sex. It's a human need after all and I happen to enjoy sex as much as he does.

Even though I haven't had the best sexual experiences in the past, I managed to look past that incident and find bliss and pleasure in sex. My first time wasn't the most pleasant, but it sure as hell would remain engraved on my mind till the day I die. I haven't talked to anyone about how I lost my virginity when I was fifteen. Not even Joy or Yoongi know about it. It isn't something I'm particularly proud of sharing, just because I survived it, but I am not ashamed of it either. I guess I'm neutral.

Jungkook leans towards the bathtub as he positions himself on the stool in a way that his arm grips the enameled cast iron wall. He undoes his belt and lowers his boxers watching me closely. His erect member springs out freely and my eyes never leave his crotch. I pay attention at his hardened cock and his balls and how the veins protrude starting from the base all the way up to the tip where they branch out in smaller woods until they dissipate under the silky feel of skin. The tip looks swollen and I get that it isn't easy to carry around a giant rod that longs to be buried deep in the tightness of flesh. Just because I'm understanding, it doesn't mean that I don't want to torment him a little. My fingers caress my outer lips and he pokes the inside of his cheek with his tongue. I don't put my fingers inside yet, as I like to see him wait there in agony while wrapping his own big hand around his penis. However, this feels like torture for me as well since I'm practically dying for any kind of physical contact. I begin, by teasing my outer lips, slowly entering my fingertips in my folds. My pussy is heating up, automatically lubricating my inner walls and my clit is twitching for more contact, but seeing that Jungkook is impatient and is getting kind of upset, I revel on the sight.

"Stop teasing Elena," he says warningly and I grin to myself for finally achieving one thing.

"Hmm, but it isn't you I'm teasing." I purr as I delicately run my fingers on my folds.

Jungkook groans out of irritation as he begins pumping himself. His free hand is firmly gripping on the tub's wall.

"Fuck-just touch yourself," He says ardently and I smile again.

"What if I don't want to?" I tease.

Jungkook arches his neck and breathes heavily. "You want to."

"I don't." I insist, my fingers still working their way in but never fully inside.

"Fuck yes, you do." He rasps.

"I fucking don't." I counter and his eyes open slightly. "Because I want you to touch me." The last sentence slips out.

"If you want me to touch you, you will do what I ask of you." He says while continuing to glide his hand up and down his erected member.

"You will touch me?" I croak.

"Yes," he practically rasps "fuck yes."

And just like that my fingers slide in my folds and I let out a moan. Jungkook' eyes are still on me, this time focusing on my lower body instead of my gaze and I can't help but feel so fucking turned on by his attention. His eyes are like my own personal spotlight and I don't know why, but it makes me feel special.

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