38 | you are naive

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Elena's POV

"Hold up. Are you fucking kidding me?" Joy exclaims clutching on the shamrock colored bottle of beer. I am currently in her place downtown, munching on barbeque flavored chips and dry nuts with cheese powder while enjoying my beer.

I sigh hopelessly after rewinding to the series of events that occured a week ago after my breakdown at the parking lot with Jungkook, the little incident with Jimin and Taehyung at the Empire Hotel and the life changing morning I spent with Jungkook at my very house.

"Elena you can't possibly be considering of starting a relationship with that whack job of man right?" My friend continues, her voice coming out in a hysteric shriek. Obviously she was still upset at Jungkook for kissing her against her will at my party. I was as stressed and upset as her for different reasons but we moved past that and Jungkook seems to actually make an effort of changing.

"I wouldn't say... a relationship Joy." I say defensively. "Right now we're just friends I guess." Okay, now the last part is a big fat lie. There's no way in hell that Jeon Jungkook would remain in such an enclosed space that only a small number deserves such as the friendzone. I have a feeling that if I even dared to tease him about it he would attempt to prove me wrong in say... an isolated classroom, or the restrooms. My teeth automatically tug on my bottom lip as I flash back at our heated kiss in my kitchen that fateful morning when we made French toast together. I remember how his lips moved across my skin, planting eager kisses and love bites all over my flesh. His veiny hands gripping my waist and then his long fingers tracing circles on my thighs. I melted like butter under his touch and out of panic I said that our makeout session was a test. Luckily, my spur of the moment acting skills were convincing and he surrendered.

In conclusion, being friends with Jungkook is definitely out of the question.

"Shut up, you clearly have the hots for this psycho." Joy fires aggressively. She slams her beer on the coffee table so hard I think the glass bottle will break from the harsh pressure she applied.

"I don't have the hots for Jungkook!" I lie through my teeth. "Calm down Joy! Please."

Joy points a finger at me. "You have any idea how violated I felt when that son of a bitch kissed me? Yeah sure it was one lame kiss and sure I'm not the most demure woman but the bastard was out of the fucking line. I was dancing with Yoongi when he cuts between us and fucking kisses me!" Joy's face is red and it seems that the alcohol is getting to her, but she's absolutely right for being mad at him. "Yoongi is a sweet fucking guy and I like him-like a lot. Then, your Jungkook demolished everything."

I never knew what happened afterwards when I left.

"Yoongi didn't make a fuss about it, but I felt so guilty about it despite the fact that I barely know the man." Joy proceeds and takes a sip from her beer. "He didn't blame me or anything. He took care of me afterwards, he caressed my head and asked me if I was okay. But me being the guilty person that I am, I couldn't even ask him for his number when he dropped me home. And now he will never see me again!"

I had no idea that Joy liked Yoongi this much. "You know I can just arrange something with him right? We're best buds after all."

"How am I gonna fucking face him when you lied to him about me!" Joy booms and I freeze on the spot.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

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