35 | dodging min yoongi

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Elena's body is pressed against my back, her hands wrapped around my waist. I silently enjoy the intimacy and the familiarity of her very touch as I can see the helmet that shields her face from the bar end mirror. I can't help but smile broadly. She gives me directions by pointing out what turns I should take in the city and I simply listen to her. The apartment she's living in is located near the outskirts of New York where the houses don't really have the best architectural designs.

"Okay we're getting warmer now." She says and I nod in response. I find an availiable parking spot and I stop the engine. Elena jumps off the bike and fiddles with the helmet' strap. I help her remove the gigantic helmet and she breathes out as her hair springs free cascading down her waist. I start pacing towards her apartment when she suddenly grabs my hand and pulls me back.

"Wait!" She hisses in a whisper. "I need to take care of something first."

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Yoongi's right outside." She replies and I notice a figure waiting right outside her apartment next to their car.

The annoying best friend she's always with. "So?"

"I can't have him see me like this." She mutters.

Ouch. "You mean he can't see us like this."

"No, it's not that. Yoongi and I usually carpool to uni since I... don't own a car. He probably came here earlier to grab breakfast. " Elena explains.

"How close are you two?" I mumble almost to myself and Elena is now busy on her phone trying to text Yoongi.

"He's my best friend." She says simply. But her voice indicates there's something more to that.

"He's not responding to my texts." Elena says and pulls me behind a van. "I'm gonna have to call him."

"Why are you being so panicky about this?" I inquire. "We could just tell him we already grabbed breakfast."

"We having breakfast?" She cracks. "Jungkook for all Yoongi knows we hate each others guts. I can't just show up in front of him with you claiming we have a truce. He might suspect something..."

"Yoongi doesn't know." I say in realization and she looks at me.

"And I want to keep it that way." She says. "Please." Her eyes are begging me to keep this a secret.

"Your secret is safe with me." I tell her truthfully.

"Thank you." She beams and I feel happy for finally doing something right. Then she dials Yoongi's number. "Hey you," she says maintaining that glorious smile. I'd like to believe I'm the cause of that.

"Hey baby girl what's taking so long? I've been waiting for your ass for fifteen minutes now." I can hear Yoongi ask and my blood grows cold in my veins because of the pet name. Baby girl? What the actual fuck, I knew there was something more happening here. A bitter feeling takes over me and I cross my arms.

"I'm so so sorry Yoongs it's just I-I'm at the orthodontist right now!" She says loudly and then covers her mouth. "Had an early appointment and this is probably gonna take longer than usual."

"The orthodontist?" Yoongi echoes. "Man you're there to fix your false teeth again?"

"Shut up. My teeth are now approved for a Colgate commercial and you know it." She snaps.

"Yeah, whatever Vamp." Yoongi teases and my jealousy increases.

"Screw you, Gum Face." Elena bites back.

"My gummy smile makes them girls weak to their knees." Yoongi says cockily. "Used to make you all hot and bothered."

Wait what?

Elena looks at me in hopes that I didn't hear that then turns around.

"Whatever Yoongs, the orthodontist is calling me in. Catch you later. " She says and hangs up. Then she watches Yoongi as he enters his car and drives away from the apartment.

"Let's go." She says gingerly and I just look at her.

"You used to like Yoongi?" I ask her straightforwardly.

"Yeah, I was kind of crushing on him for a short amount of time." She makes a face. "But not anymore!"

"Okay," I mutter and put on my helmet.

"Wait, what are you doing?" She asks.

"Uh, going home?" I answer and she shakes her head. "You have to get ready for classes and so do I."

"Just come up and have breakfast at my place." She says and my eyes widen.

"Are you sure?"

"Jungkook it's not like I'm asking you to tie my wrists." She sneers and a flashback of my dream plays on my mind. The part where I bound her wrists with my belt. I'm pretty sure she was attempting to make a dirty joke but this really wasn't the right time. But this was a one time offer so I'd appreciate it as long as possible.

"Okay," I say removing my helmet.

"Hey Jungkook," she starts. "I really don't like Yoongi that way anymore."

"Um okay?" I say faking ignorance as I pace away from her.

Elena follows after me and slides her hand in mine. "So, pancakes or French toast?"

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