41 | friends don't leave each other breathless

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don't forget the previous update

When the Filmmaking lecture is over, I gather all of my things and stuff them inside my bag then dash over at the very back of the auditorium where Jungkook usually sits. I catch him off guard when I slide my hand into his as he slings his black bag over his shoulder. He shoots me a surprised look and his hand is sort of stiff in my grip. His mouth is slightly agape and his eyes are wide from the sudden skinship. I let go of his hand and my gaze falls to the floor embarrassed at my impulsive gesture when he grabs my hand and holds it. A smile rises on his face as we head downstairs and his eyes never leave mine.

"What's up Eye Candy?" He inquires when we leave the auditorium.

"Are you free this Friday?" I ask getting straight to the point.

Jungkook looks at me bewildered and yet intrigued. "Yeah, pretty much." He replies.

"Great!" I chime. "So, I've arranged a little something for us."

His eyes are twinkling and what I said must have captured his full attention when his thumb traces gentle circles on the roof of my hand.

"Remember when you said that you wanted to apologize to Joy?" I remind him.

"Yeah," he nods. "When you were texting me from her bathroom." Jungkook smirks and I roll my eyes.

"That's not my point." I say. "Well, I figured I could invite Yoongi too. I was thinking about going to the cinema."

"Like a double date?" Jungkook pipes.

Yeah. "Sort of."

His eyes nail mine. "Sort off?"

I pause in the crowded hallway and he stops with me. "I mean we aren't boyfriend and girlfriend yet so..."

Jungkook eyes me with such an intensity that makes me want to either take a hundred steps back and make a run for it or pull him close and kiss him until I can't breathe.

"What are we then Eye Candy?" He inquires, a devilish grin taking over his angelic features.

"I-I-" I have no clue how to answer him Jungkook only steps closer to me. His big hand is wrapped around mine but he doesn't tighten his grip. His thumb however stopped tracing those circles on my skin. "So, y-you're available. You're coming. Right?"

But he doesn't answer my question. "What are we Eye Candy?" He asks again and I swear I feel like my legs are gonna give up on me.

"I think we are just friends now." I say lowly. Part of me hopes he didn't hear me.

Jungkook raises a brow and begins walking in the hallway. Instead of going to my next class I am forced to follow after him in the hallway while our colleagues go to their assigned classes. That doesn't seem to be the case with us right now.

"Jungkook, what are you doing?" I ask him. "We have class now."

Instead of answering me, Jungkook opens a door to the janitor' closet and with a tug at my hand, he pulls me inside the dark space away from everyone's sight. I can hear footsteps come and go. I have mixed feelings about the storage room' smell. The scent of plastic, detergent and paper is intermingled in this damp air. I don't feel very comfortable being here, but somehow it feels strangely better to be in a secluded place with him than discussing about our relationship in public.

"What exactly do you think of me Elena?" Jungkook asks.

"What do you mean?"

"Are we really just friends?"

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