120 | divide and conquer

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Jungkook's POV

Later in the day, Elena calls Jin in order to tell him that she's going to be at the Empire tonight. She pretends to be reluctant and unwilling in order for him to buy it and once she seals the agreement with him, Taehyung books a room for her in Yoongi's name. The system automatically sends a special pass that determines the room number, in the customers name. Much to our luck, Jin said that Elena needs to be there at ten so Yoongi is going to arrive there in that exact time. 

Apparently, the procedure is fairly simple. The client needs to arrange an appointment and then you show up at a given time with a pass in order to prove that you actually booked the room. Taehyung has someone at the Empire who entered all the right information into the system such as the names, dates and the time and he's completely oblivious to what is going on. He said it's a special customer, but little does he know he's a mere college student. 

Obviously, clients need to pay for both the overpriced rooms and the service the girls will provide. However, the rooms in which the women are supposed to entertain are in specific areas of the hotel. All of this just makes me wonder how hasn't his father even suspected the slightest thing. His oldest son is quite literally bringing whores under his hotel's roof to entertain business men that he himself is acquainted with. If this ever got out, it would be too much of a big scandal to cover up. And what's worse is that Namjoon, probably knew about the situation and purposely chose to remain quiet because he thinks that he would benefit the most. The reality is that if Seokjin falls, the entire company will crumble down with him. Their father can easily buy people' silence but it won't better their reputation one bit. 

I call Jimin around seven and I let him in on the entire plan, even though he was in the middle of practicing in the studio. Nevertheless, I manage to convince him to join both me and Joy to help us retrieve the hard disk, because we will definitely need a third person to keep watch on security while I climb up the fire escape. On the other hand, Joy will do her best to turn the power off at the Golden Closet. The building is large, so chances are that the fuse box is located at the basement. Once I reach the top, I'll text Joy to turn off the power and that way I'll sneak out of the office safely while the security guards, the strippers and the customers will be distracted from the commotion. That will buy us plenty of time. The only reason why I won't go into the Golden Closet from the entrance is because I can't afford to leave any traces in the cctvs.

Taehyung has already returned to the penthouse to take care of a few other details and that impotent scumbag, Daniel needed to leave earlier. The rest of us stayed put at Elena's apartment. He also needs to keep track of Seokjin so it's best that he remains close to him at all times. 

We agreed for Jimin to come pick us up around eight when he wraps up with dance practice and until then I watch tutorials on Youtube on how to remove the hard disk from the iMac computer desktop. The process is relatively easy if you take away the part where I could possibly get electrocuted or damage his property, but other than that it's achievable. 

When the time comes for us to part ways, Elena sends off both me and Joy downstairs where Jimin is waiting for us in his car. She hugs Joy first and opens the door so that she enters first before focusing on me. In her hands I can recognize a black bucket hat of mine and I grin at her because I knew she snatched it from my closet a few weeks ago. 

"Be careful when you go from the fire escape okay?" She says worriedly as she puts the bucket hat on me. "Don't fall and snap your neck." Her arms wrap around my waist as she leans into me for a kiss. "I love you."

"I love you too." I return and she grins adoringly. My hands travel up to her face, softly caressing the apples of her cheeks causing her to let out a long breath. 

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