23 | the last of me... us

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Our lips clash against each others our tongues dancing in sync as we clumsily walk into his bathroom. I catch a glance at my reflection on the massive mirror when Jungkook places me on the white counter. Bite marks and hickeys are marked on my neck, my collarbone even my thighs and God do I feel proud of carrying those reddish temporary tattoos. Jungkook turns on the faucet and lets the hot water fill the tub when he separates my thighs once more as I'm positioned on the counter. It almost looks like a dance studio in here with all of the mirrors. The bathroom is the size of my bedroom. I can see my naked self across the room, my legs widespread as Jungkook kneels in front of me and gets to work. He finally removes my skirt casting it aside somewhere on the floor. Our juices are still dripping out from my core and stain the sink but that seems to be the last thing he's concerned about. His tongue traces every fold so gently, so delicately and I moan out of pleasure when he sucks onto my clit ridding it from his juices. But I think that's only making things worse because feel myself getting drenched down there again. His talented tongue slips into my slit and my back arches and touches the cold surface of the mirror. I grab onto the edge of the marble counter and start grinding against his mouth while he licks me clean. My eyes struggle to stay open and I notice that the tub is almost full.

"Jungkook-" I breathe "the tub."

Then this delicious feeling stops and he helps me off the counter. My legs are wobbly-I can barely stand, but he leads me into the bathtub. He picks me up and places me inside, the hot water burning my skin. Jungkook takes his time to join me when he tosses in a few bath bombs causing the surface to bubble up to the rim. My nakedness is finally covered under the thick layer of foam, but watching Jungkook as he stands outside, his erection still dripping with my arousal makes me want to return the favor.

I bite my lip and he turns to look at me. "What's wrong?" He asks.

Taking a deep breath I say trying to control the tremble in my voice "It's my turn to clean you up." He grins devilishly and he approaches the tub. He doesn't get in but he stands in front of me, a short marble wall seperating us when I make my way towards him.

My tongue traces his long rod starting from the tip as I lick my way downwards swallowing both of our liquid substances. Muffled moans escape his mouth as I proceed giving him my special treatment. My hands grip his hips when I glide lower, my mouth grazing his left testicle. A shaky groan leaves his lips and I can't help but grin against his soft flesh before I lick the other one clean. I continue licking up whatever fluids are spread on his thighs and I apply the same treatment he gave me. I nip onto the meat of his inner thighs and his entire body comes to life.

"Eye Candy-" he groans but I dig in deeper between his legs as my teeth tug onto the flesh where his hipbone meets his inner thigh. Drops of precum form all over the tip of his cock. I swipe my tongue over it and hum intentionally extracting more moans from him.

"And I just cleaned you up daddy." I say in a provocative tone. Jungkook grins down at me and grabs my hair by the roots.

"Watch your attitude Eye Candy," he manages to say, his chest heaving up and down "Because if you continue teasing me like that my cock will end up down your throat again instead up that perky ass of yours."

I choke on my saliva at what he just said.

So he wasn't kidding when he said he'd claim all of my holes. Then again it's Jungkook we're talking about.

He places a hand on my cheek, his thumb tracing my bottom lip. "This," he whispers "all of you belongs to me." And then he slips his thumb inside pressing my tongue down onto the floor of my mouth. "Don't you ever forget that." Then he removes his digit and brings me back up to my feet.

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