24 | she left

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Jimin's POV

Jungkook's claws are hooked deep in Elena.

I'm searching for her about an hour now. It's obvious that she's affected by what Jungkook did earlier when he kissed that friend of hers and that can only mean one thing.

She has feelings for him.

Does that mean that she used me before when she kissed me in front of everyone?

Because if that's the case she won't get away that easily.

I won't allow her to take advantage of me just so that she can get Jungkook jealous.

Then again he struck back.

And she was devastated.

I won't get caught in their little games.

Elena already wants me. She always did but that doesn't mean I must let my guard down, I think to myself as I walk upstairs when I hear gentle sniffles and shallow breathing. Elena paces towards the stairwell with her high heels in hand. Her dark hair is drenched, her clothes wrinkled, her face was rid off of her makeup and her eyes look swollen, her cheeks flushed. Hickeys and love bites cover her neck and cleavage.

She's definitely coming out from Jungkook's room. They've had sex. Which is why my best friend was missing the same time she left.

"Jimin," she breathes, clutching her heels in her hand.

"Hey, I've been looking for you." I say gently. "Are you alright?"

But she bites her lip and blinks away unwanted tears. "I-I'm fine." She mumbles and walks past me on the stairs.

"It's Jungkook isn't it?" I purposely say and she sucks in a breath. I got her exactly where I wanted her.

"It's complicated." She sighs and I hear her walk away.

Turning around I say "My offer is still on the table."

She stops still on her tracks and tilts her head a little "I don't quite understand what is it you want in return."

"I'll tell you as soon as you figure out whether you want my help." I say, my patience wearing thin. I need her to say yes. Otherwise, we are going to remain on stage zero.

But she inhales deeply before saying "I'm afraid I'll never find out."

I stare at her confused.

"Because I took care of things myself."

Jungkook's POV

Our fingertips are slightly touching and in this moment it's all I need.

When I close my eyes all I can visualize is her. Her sweet taste is lingering in my mouth, her intoxicating scent is addictive. I feel calm around her. She's like a walking tranquilizer. She's so beautiful, so strong for having to put up with a damaged being such as myself and I am well aware that the things I did to her are unforgivable. I don't deserve her. She's so full of life, sophisticated and well mannered. She's independent and fearless and I admire her for being the way she is. There's absolutely nothing I would change on her. She's so innocent that my messed up self wants to devour and destroy that purity of hers. I want her like crazy-I like her a lot and I get this strange uncomfortable feeling whenever I'm around her and yet I want to have her near me at all times. It drives me mad and it makes me want to do sinful things to her. I have already left my mark on her and it will hard to wash away.

Her deep brown eyes always holding back tears when I'm concerned, those long lashes coated with black paint are always wet. Her cheeks are reddened but she's not blushing and I feel like the worst human being in the world for making her cry. I hate myself for being this way and I resent myself even more every time I act impulsively and hurt her feelings. She's sensitive unlike me, emotion flooding throughout her core like water rushing through a broken dam.

I love the way that she feels every single thing so intensely. It encourages me to crack through the barriers I've lifted and try change, but despite her influence there's something holding me back.

My dreadful past.

This whole day has been a roller-coaster. It started off nicely when she showed up at my place and I gathered the courage to give her my gift. I felt so light and relieved that she enjoyed it. Her face brightened when she saw that scarlet color and for a fleeting moment I figured that things could always be that way. That was quite literally the first time I brought a smile on that beautiful face. But what I did afterwards was unforgivable.

I kissed her best friend just so that I could get back at her for kissing Jimin. For purposely going against my word.

The jealousy, all that rage took control of me and brought out the worst in me. It isn't her fault for despising me. I am the one who's venomous and I can't help myself when it comes to her. So I take control of her. I psychologically manipulate her and she falls for my tricks every single time. Part of me enjoys the games we play but my conscience is gnawing at me screaming that I must let go. But I always push those thoughts away and settle on enjoying being with her in my own way.

Having sex with this woman is the best thing in the world. Every touch, every sound she makes, the way her eyes flutter and her mouth slightly opens when I pleasure her makes me feel invisible. Kissing those plump rose petals is like a bad habit I can never imagine on giving up. A guilty pleasure I'm not afraid of confessing to the world. There are times when I want to announce out to the world that she belongs with me.

Eye Candy has many sides to her personality. I've learned so much about her in such a short time and I bet there are other aspects I haven't discovered yet. She's so vocal when it comes to expressing her feelings and her opinions but she can be awkward and shy in an adorable way. She's straightforward with what she wants and she's honest about it too. She's confident about her appearance and her skills and I find that incredibly sexy. She is willing to submit to me to please me and she might not quite know it yet but she wants control. She doesn't necessarily want to dominate me but she loves to take control of my actions by telling me what needs to be done-how she wants to be touched. Come to think about it, I am curious as to how Elena would act as a dominant. Damn, this girl is going to bring out new aspects in my own self that I am not aware of.

I am almost certain that I have feelings for her. I can't identify them quite yet but what I know for sure is that I need her. She however doesn't need me but I know that she wants me. Maybe I should wake her up to tell her before I change my mind. She's the only one who can help me figure my shit out.

I extend my hand on her side of the bed only to feel an overwhelming coldness under the covers. I want to feel her warm body next to mine and cuddle her until daylight breaks the darkness in my room but there's no response. My eyes flutter open instinctively and Eye Candy is nowhere to be found.

"Elena?" I call out to the dark room and get out of bed. Heading to the bathroom, I knock and open the door only to find another dark empty room.

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