53 | don't make a big deal out of this

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Elena's POV

"When exactly were you planning to tell me about your 'relationship' with Jeon?" Yoongi asks, one hand tightened on the wheel and the other reaching for some Gummy Bears from the small package in my grip. He pops one in his mouth and chews on the orange flavored candy while waiting for an answer.

"We made things official today." I say simply and grab a strawberry flavored Gummy Bear from the pack. "A few minutes before you came actually." I add, grinning at Jungkook's shocked face when I gave him my answer earlier.

He raises a brow. He doesn't believe it.

"I'm being honest with you."

"Alright." He mutters. "But why didn't you ever mention that you were seeing each other?"

Because when Jungkook and I were 'seeing each other', it was at a strip club where he paid for my services and took advantage of me.

We worked things out in the end and that's what matters.

I shake my head and run a hand through my hair. "We were unsure about this thing we had, so we decided to keep it low-key."

"You sneaky hoe." Yoongi throws. "Dude, I approached Park Jimin for your sake and here you were messing around with his best friend!"

"Well, I never asked you to befriend Jimin."

"Then why were you eye-fucking him in class!"

"You're exaggerating." I mewl.

"Am I?" He snaps. "You were the one watching his dance rehearsal video on repeat."

"Okay, so I did have a crush on him." I admit. "But I don't like him that way anymore."

"Jimin is a hundred times better than Jungkook." Yoongi says while keeping an eye on the road. "And one hundred percent Yoongi approved."

Wait until you find out how selfish he is.

"Since when do you care about who I date?"

"Ever since I walked into your house only to see Jeon in your living room." He huffs. "Which begs the question,"

I don't say a thing.

"did he spend the night at your place?" Yoongi asks huskily.

"Not exactly." He glares at me bewildered. "I kind of spent the night at his place and he gave me a ride back to the apartment."

"I see." He nods. "Did you guys fuck?"

"Yoongi!" Kind of.

"What?" He pipes. "You never spare the details with your other boy toys. Were they that bad in bed? Or too puny for your liking?"

My eyes flare open. "The fuck Yoongs?"

"Can you blame me for being curious?" He chuckles. "I mean-the guy is total mess. What? Are you with Jeon because he has a magic dick in his panties or something?"

I roll my eyes annoyed. "I didn't have any boy toys, I had one night stands. There's a difference."

"Sue me."

"And Jungkook isn't a boy toy." I tell him firmly.

Yoongi makes a fake pout and widens his triangle shaped eyes, imitating some anime face when he says "Aw so is Jeon Jungkook special to you now?"

He sure is something. "Shut up."

"And what's with the monochrome clothing? Is he colorblind?"

"You're one to talk."

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