3 | unexpected customer

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Song: Closure by Teflon Sega

The Golden Closet is packed tonight.

Men and women were seated everywhere while our entertainers offered an amazing time. I have to admit that even though my job requires me to dance provocatively and undress in front of a male audience, it made me feel beautiful. I enjoyed it when the other sex praised me for looking so flawless, so talented and rhythmic. On stage, it was a good time for me to pretend being a playful, sexy and confident woman, because in reality I'm an awkward personality. My performance on stage is almost like acting, considering I spend a huge amount of time to make myself look different, by adding more years onto my face by applying foundation, powders and highlighter. With my platinum wig and my blue eye contacts I was unrecognizable. Behind the wig and contacts I'm still the same clumsy and shy person. My real dark haired self is nothing in comparison. But nobody here needs to know that.

I add the final touch to my look. Red lipstick. I feel powerful when I wear red. That's why it's my favorite color.

"Eye Candy, you're up in five." Mark says and disappears behind the curtains.

Okay, it's time to be amazing.

I get up and reposition Joy's finest work on my body. I look so beautiful. And definitely not in the innocent kind of beautiful. But the 'I'm going to show you a new world out there' kind of beautiful.

I put on my new heels and shashay out there.

"Everyone please applause our best dancer: Eye Candy!" Mark announces.

The male crowd cheers as soon as I cat walk outside. The spotlight is on me and I grin seductively. I wink at the audience and the bills start pouring like rain. The atmosphere is steamy tonight with the hot red lighting raining down upon us and the mist that surrounds us dancers. Sensual music is playing and my fingers touch the cold metal. I twirl and fasten my leg around the pole and lift my body on the air. Then with a slight bend I lift my free leg on the air and plaiding my long legs around the pole I elevate further effortlessly as the men continue to throw cash at the dance floor that seemed so small from the top. I'm upside down and I split my legs as I work getting down with a calligraphic manner as my body slides downwards with swift twirls around the pole. I'm a meter above the ground and I switch my position so that I land gracefully with my corset stilettos tapping on the floor. I catwalk around the pole, my eyes on the crowd instead of the money that's overflowing on the dance floor. A grand mistake that pole dancers make is that they either stuff their tight outfits with cash or they play with the money as a part of the choreography. To my experience, I always got more cash when my performance was based on entertaining the crowd and when I gave more attention to the thirsty males. Becides, I have Mark collect the money for me after the performance so I don't have to bother gathering it up.

When I circle around the pole, eyeing the crowd, I suddenly notice a familiar figure in the back in a leather jacket and Timberlands. His eyes are on me watching me as I bend down, my legs fully spread. I dance to the sensual music and my eyes adjust pretty well into the dark. I look over at the leather jacket guy and he looks quite young. We do have young customers, sometimes college students even high school students. The last ones, I usually kick out so that they don't ruin their innocence. I am aware that it won't change a thing since they'll continue with porn at home but I don't want any youngsters here. It makes me sentimental and guilty.

The guy's face is shadowed and he's with a group of friends. From the way he's sitting I can tell he's the arrogant type and from his muscular body I can also tell that he's not a high school kid. He's definitely a university student. And I wish he's not from my university. Even though I can't see his face, I can see his shiny eyes from afar and his gaze itself is enough to make me feel hot and bothered. He suddenly gets up and makes his way towards my dance floor. I get up and with a twirl around the pole, I hook my legs around the metal and lift myself once more. The man shuffles through his jean pocket and grabs a hundred dollar bill. When he approaches the stage, the red lighting flashes his face and I recognize him immediately. I almost fall from the pole. My heart is beating rapidly and I can feel my entire core freeze in shock but I quickly get over it so that I can complete my performance quickly and then disappear from here.

What the fuck is Jungkook doing here?

He's grinning like a fucking demon when he places the hundred dollar bill on the dance floor and I can tell that he's having nasty ass thoughts right now. I have never felt this uncomfortable during a performance despite the fact that he seems to enjoy it. He takes a seat next to the elders at the front and chats with them while their eyes are on me. Shit, he's talking to them about me! What if something goes wrong? What if he recognizes me?

He won't recognize you, I tell myself. This guy's too self absolved. Becides, my disguise has successfully consealed the real me so there's nothing to worry about.

I finish tonight's performance landing softly but sensually on the floor and flick my hair. I mutter a 'thanks' to the male crowd and kiss them goodbye for now. Everyone's applausing me and I'm living for this moment. Even Jungkook is clapping his hands with that annoying smirk on his face. I walk backstage as Mark collects my cash. I remove my heels and rest my ass on the pink leather couch. I'm not very tired but I need to recharge my batteries before I go out there again.

"Your performance was great tonight." A caramel skinned girl with a golden two piece says. "You certainly earned some extra fifties with that corset."

"Thanks, Grace." I say.

"Korona, you're up now." I can hear Mark call. "And Eye Candy, you're summoned to room B22."

I groan in discomfort and slide further into the couch. I hate private sessions with customers because even though security is high in the dance floor, in the private rooms despite the security cameras, unholy things take place in there. I've never allowed a man touch me in those rooms but it can get a bit steamy during a lap dance. Other girls here have sex for money but I refuse to go further down the path of prostitution. It's already enough that I'm stripping down for men, I can't throw away my dignity as well.

"See you later Grace." I say and leave the dressing room. I'm headed towards the private rooms where the sounds of men and women moaning and wailing in ecstasy are echoing. Hopefully, the man I'll have to entertain will be a virgin who plays video games at his mother's basement, because those guys are easy as cake to satisfy.

When I reach room B22, I open the door and wear a seductive expression. A guy in a leather jacket is standing looking at the walls blankly. He turns around to face me and I choke on the air I'm inhaling.

"Hello, Eye Candy." Jungkook says with a devilish smirk.


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