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Yoongi's POV

Elena hasn't responded to any of my texts all weekend ever since she left from Joy's apartment on a Saturday morning and I'm starting to get worried. It's Tuesday now and it's a tradition for us to carpool together to uni, since we won't be able to hang out as often as we'd like considering that the only class we share is Photography. Elena spends lunchtime with Jungkook off campus, while I hang around Jimin. Taehyung joins us from time to time and it gets kind of awkward, probably because we don't have a lot of stuff in common.

I'm waiting under her apartment in my car for ten minutes. It's not like Elena to keep me waiting so long.

I finally exit my car and jog on the stairs then ring the bell. I send her another text and call her but she doesn't answer. At this point I fish out the spare key she gave me last year and let myself in.

Normally, I try to use her spare as little as possible because this isn't my house and I don't want to invade her privacy. I value my own privacy, so I feel like I need to respect hers. Only this time I can feel it in my gut that something is wrong. Especially after eavesdropping on her conversation with Joy that fateful morning, I'm starting to become even more concerned about her. Despite everything, I've heard I still haven't confronted Elena or Joy for that matter, yet even though their past is something they don't need to share, I can't help but be worried about the things that they're going through right now.

From what I've gathered so far, Elena is some sort of escort and apparently there's this guy named Seokjin-her boss probably, who uses footage of her with another guy as blackmail material in order to keep Elena under his control.

Why doesn't she trust me?

Once I reach the fourth floor, my chest is heaving and I pause a little in the hallway to catch my breath then knock on her door. My patience is running thin, so I use my other key to open up.

"Elena?" I call out. "I called you like a thousand times, so I let myself in." My eyes fall on the blanket on her sofa that is halfway on the floor. A few mugs are lying on the coffee table and some of her hoodies are hanging on chairs. Her laundry is wrinkly and at this point I wonder if it's even washed. Her bedroom door is ajar and I head towards it.

Damn, her place smells more than my apartment.

"Were you robbed or something?" I say mockingly before slowly opening the bedroom door, only to find a sleeping Elena lying on her stomach under a fluffy dusty rose comforter, her arms wrapped around a pillow with her face buried in its softness. Her dark hair looks like a bird' nest and yet she looks strangely adorable.

"That's why you were late." I mumble to myself and I'm not even angry. Elena is always on her feet and she deserves a day off from her hectic schedule.

I turn away and I hear a tired yawn along with the sheets ruffling from behind me.

"Yoongi?" Elena says softly.

"Hey," I smile. "Morning,"

She looks at me in confusion and I settle down on the foot of her bed. Elena rubs her eyes and stretches like a cat. Then she looks at me with an unsettling expression and she curses under her breath.

"Shit, we have class!" She groans and tries to get up but stops midway and clutches her stomach. "Oww-" Her bottom lip disappears completely as she bites on it and she crouches over the bed.

"Whoa, what's wrong?" I deadpan and she looks up at me weakly.

"It's that time of the month." Elena rasps, getting off the bed.

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