42 | reversed

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"I want you Elena." Jungkook says and with no further warning he comes forward and crashes his lips against mine. He kisses me hard at first, his mouth warm and wet. He tastes like mint
and he's driving me crazy as he runs a hand through my hair. It's clear that we've established how much we both crave each other and we both admitted that we have feelings for one another and yet there's something preventing me from sealing the deal. My instinct is warning me to wait a little longer.

Jungkook uses his knee to part my legs and I immediately start rubbing myself onto him as we kiss. My hands are wrapped around his neck and I press myself against his leg. I let out a muffled moan into his mouth as he continues kissing me until there's no room for me to speak. And honestly, I don't want to ruin this moment because I really missed his touch.

His mouth suddenly detaches from mine and he starts pecking the area behind my ear. He tucks a few strands of my hair away and this ticklish yet heavenly sensation of his lips sucking on my skin overwhelms me. I suck in a breath and grind myself onto his upper thigh when I can feel him grin against my skin. He's enjoying this as much as I do. Making me flustered is his way of proving me how much I want him and truth to be told I really fucking want him a lot right now.

"Friends don't make out in the janitor's closet." Jungkook says between kisses and his tongue traces the areas of my skin he has touched. His hand then slips under my shirt and his fingers trail along my tummy. I want him to go downwards, but instead he goes up. That's fine with me, as long as his hands are on me. I can feel his fingers from under my bralette and my nipples become erect to his touch. Goosebumps form on the surface of my skin, my body already becoming responsive to him. I fasten my jacket off and toss it somewhere on the floor and he drops his bag. He helps me remove my shirt then begins pecking my shoulder area. I gasp and bite my lip when he reaches my collarbone. He kisses my chest and his hands snake around my back and undoes my bra. This time I don't cover myself in his view and he smiles at how I so quickly accepted him. His hands cup my breasts and my thighs squeeze aroind his own. I press myself even harder against his sculpted thigh pretending it's his dick for now as pressure is starting to build up in my stomach. His thumbs toy with my nipples and I gasp, my eyes flutter open and slice through his. He's grinning at me right now satisfied that I'm literally melting under his touch. I want to say that I want more but the little voice in my head screams that I need to wait. Only that I'm so tired of waiting and my pussy is aching for him.

Jungkook removes his leg from between my thighs and his hand pops open the button of my jeans. He looks at me as in to ask for my approval and I nod eagerly. His hand traces the waistline of my panties and his finger slides into my wetness. He slices through my folds and wastes no time to find my clit. He enters two more fingers and he stirs inside me extracting my juices and moans when I fiddle with his belt and open his jeans. Jungkook looks into my eyes and bites his lip in anticipation.

I grind onto his fingers and he groans. "Fuck, Elena you're so tight." He hisses and I pull down his boxers. His erect member springs free and I can't believe I forgot how big he is.

I swipe my thumb over the tip and pre-cum forms on it. I begin stimulating him as I feel the silky and yet hard texture in my hand. He groans and his neck arches. His eyes screw shut as my finger stimulates the area under the tip. But the immense pleasure my hand is giving him doesn't distract him from making me feel amazing. He continues fingering my slit and he scissors through my folds when he finds my sweet spot. He rubs my G-spot with circular motions and my juices coat his long talented fingers. My hand extracts some pre-cum from the tip and I use it as lubrication to glide up and down his shaft. Jungkook moans and hides his head into my shoulder as he pleasures me with his fingers deep in my pussy. That's when I feel his teeth tug on my skin. He isn't biting me hard but in this state of arousal all of my senses are heightened. I let out a moan without giving a care in the world for the people that are passing by from outside.

"Fuck you're doing so good." Jungkook rasps and I ride his fingers while giving him a hand job. I'm also getting close to the edge when I feel him pulse in my hands.

I press a kiss on his neck then bite slightly on his flesh careful not to leave a mark, earning a moan from him. "I want you in my mouth." I say gravely and he abruptly removes his fingers from inside me. I gasp at the sudden emptiness then press my thighs together to relieve myself from some of the pressure.

"Friends don't give blowjobs to friends." Jungkook grins devilishly and I let go of his shaft in return.

"Are you serious?" I snap furious.

"Deadly." He replies simply. "You said no sex."

"Giving you a blow job isn't sex." I retort.

"I know." He grins. "But this might give you a taste of how I feel."

"What do you mean?"


"What are you talking about? I never rejected you." I tell him.

"Oh come on Elena." Jungkook says. "What would you introduce me as when we go to the movies on Friday?"

He got me there.

"Did you really expect me to fuck you in the janitor's closet?" He inquires, his voice laced in hurt. "Is that what you still think of me?"

"No, but you came on to me." I reply weakly. "I thought that you wanted this."

"I planted the bait and you took it." Jungkook says to me and my mind flashes back to last week when I spoke the exact same words. He pulls up his boxer briefs and buttons up his black jeans.

"You play dirty." I mutter and he chuckles.

"Now, you got a taste of your own medicine." He says. "So, until you give me a proper answer," his eyes nail mine as he bends down and grabs my shirt "keep your hands to yourself."

How does he turn the tables to me every single time?

"Let me make one thing clear here Elena. I won't be your friends with benefits. I've waited enough already. So, give your answer on Friday. On our first date. Like I said before, when it concerns you, it is all or nothing." Jungkook says handing me my shirt. I take it in my hands then pick up my bra. "I am as serious about us as you are."

I stare at him speechless. And that's when I come to realize that I have no reason to be upset with him for stopping me. Having sex with him now would be like taking advantage of his feelings. I don't want to manipulate Jungkook in any way or trick him, because we are better than that. Everything he just said to me proves that he is indeed as invested and serious about us as I am. He is stepping out of his comfort zone for my sake by agreeing on going on the double date with Yoongi and Joy. Maybe we can be something after all.

I smile at him and grab his hand. "You know what? You're right. I should have pulled back when you kissed me."

"I'm not complaining..." He says teasingly.

"So, you really want to be with me?" I inquire.

He nods, his charcoal eyes glimmering in the dark. "Yes, very much."

"Okay," I manage. "I promise I'll tell you on Friday then."

He grins. "Remember when you told me earlier that me asking you out is a suggestion?"


"Then go out on a date with me." He says. "Tonight."

"Tonight?" I echo.

"Are you working tonight?" He asks.

I shake my head. "No,"

"Then it's settled." He smiles brightly, it makes my heart melt.

"Do you have anything specific in mind?" I ask.

He tips his chin thinking. "My stepmom and her kids are out of town, so do you want to come at my place? I'll make dinner."

"Sure." I beam. Is he really going to cook for me? How sweet!

I can't wait for tonight.

"What's your favorite food?" He asks tipping his chin with his forefinger.

I bite my lip and smile. "Lasagna."

"Lasagna it is then."

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