122 | trial and error

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Jungkook's POV

As soon as the Golden Closet comes into view, Jimin takes a turn and pulls over in the alley right where the fire escape is facing the neighboring buildings. Once he parks under the fire escape he gets out of the car. 

"So how exactly are you going to break in?" Jimin inquires. Joy follows right after him as I approach them.

My palms are sweaty and the cool breeze that wanders by doesn't help cool down my temperature one bit. I rub the nape of my neck anxiously then cross my arms over my chest in hopes that it would dial down the anxiety that is currently suffocating me when I can feel someone pat my shoulder. 

"You okay there?" Joy asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I mutter. "I have no idea." I say, returning to Jimin and he sighs. 

"Do you at least know how to remove the hard disk from the computer? What if Jin has the footage hidden in an external hard disk? Or if he has multiple copies?"

My hands reach for my head and I run my fingers through my hair. "Jimin shut up."

"Then how the fuck are you going to delete the footage if you don't know exactly where it's stored?" 

"Taehyung said that Jin mentioned something about all information related to the nightclub workers are stored at one computer at the Golden Closet." Joy explains. "But we're not completely sure yet."

"Regardless of where it's hidden, I'm getting that damn footage tonight." I say in a dead serious tone. "No matter what the cost."

"Alright, let's say that you actually get the hard drive with the footage. Just make sure to text me so that I can hurry to the basement to turn the power off."

"Okay, then what am I going to do?" Jimin questions.

"You're our ride." I throw. "Also, you gotta help me reach the fire escape."

"How am I supposed to do that?"

The very structure of the fire escape is very convenient for literally anyone to climb because even though it has pretty high railings, there's a ladder protruding on the very end and with a little help I think I an actually grab onto it and safely make my way up to the stairs. Also, we've parked right into the security camera's blind spot, therefore no one can ever know that we were here.

Much to our luck, this particular area is secluded and even though it faces the main road, it's pretty dark over here therefore we don't have to worry about being seen. People are walking in groups on the pavement, but everyone is too busy and distracted to pay the slightest grain of attention on us. 


"If you fall off the rails I'm throwing your body in the dumpster and we're calling it quits." Jimin comments. 

"Guys, let's focus." Joy snaps before turning to me. "What's the plan?"

"I'll just climb on top of Jimin' car and he's going to help lift me up so that I can reach the ladder. Normally I would try jumping, but I don't want to mess up his car."

"Okay...but how are you going to enter the office once you've reached the top?" 

"Everyone leaves their windows unlocked." I retort. "Especially when you're at the top floor."

"You sound certain." 

Honestly, I'm not certain about anything and it scares me. 

I'm fucking terrified.

If the footage isn't on this computer, I won't be able to face Elena after this. 

I can't afford to make more mistakes. I can't let her down again. 

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