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if you're loyal you'll know🐻

"Hey guys, I'm sorry I'm late." Jungkook says while Yoongi hands me my ten dollars. They exchange the cultural boyish nod that seems to cover their greeting.

I glare daggers at Yoongi's way and he frowns in response.

"Its okay, we just got here." I assure my boyfriend.

"Hello Jungkook," Joy tries her best to smile warmly.

Jungkook seems to be at a loss of words. He probably didn't expect either of them to talk to him. "Hi." He croaks.

Oh God, this is so awkward. We need an icebreaker.

"Shall we go inside?" I suggest. "Its cold."

Everyone mutters 'sure' and we head inside the theater stiffly. The line is quite long since it's Friday and I grab a prospectus from one of the stands at the back.

"Okay, we have 'Unlovable Rebound'." I start looking at the movie that catches my attention. "Its seems nice."

"It's romance right?" Yoongi inquires while Joy reads the summary.

I nod. "Yep."

"No, thank you."

"Ew, no why would I want to watch a film where the female lead is a drama queen?" Joy throws.

"Exactly." Of course, no one would want to watch a romantic film.

"And how do you know that the female lead is a drama queen?" I ask.

"Because, I read the book." She says simply. "Also, it gets really fucked up as the story progresses."

"Alright," I mumble. "What about 'Shameless' ?"

"Oh, this one is gonna be nice." Joy comments.

I raise a brow. "Did you read this book too?"

"No, but in the summary it says that the female lead does a strip tease and her new neighbor catches her during her time alone." She replies. "Plus, the title is intriguing."

"Now, that is something I would watch." Yoongi says, his voice laced with interest and Joy laughs a little. "Even though Peeping Tom is kinda creepy."

"What do you think Jungkook?" I ask and he shrugs.

"I'm not really into comedy." He says.

"So you're into tragedy?" Yoongi snorts.

"Its more of a chick flick." Joy corrects ignoring what he just said. "But, yeah E we shouldn't torment the guys with girly things. Let's choose something that we can all watch without getting bored."

"Can I take a look?" Jungkook asks. "What about this one?" He proposes pointing on a movie cover with a city that resembles more of a maze. "It's about this girl that after commiting this major crime she appears in this mysterious labyrinth city from which she tries to escape with a serial killer."

"Death Wish." I read out loud. "Its a psychological thriller. Otherwise, known as 'Blood in the Water' or 'Angels and Devils'."

"This movie is going to catch you guys completely off guard." Jungkook says enthusiastically. "The girl suffers short term Amnesia, but when she finds out what she's done, she begs the male lead to kill her. They make a deal that she will help him escape the maze and only then he make her death wish come true."

"I actually really like this one." Yoongi says with a smug expression.

"Me too." Joy agrees rubbing both of her hands together.

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