117 | everything for you

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Droplets of water have pearled on the surface of his skin and more droplets fall from his hair and onto the floor as his gaze meets mine.

Black eyes slice into my own like daggers expecting me to willingly give every single piece of me to him and shred off the layers I worked so hard to put on in order to mask the pathetic little bitch I really am. The one who constantly seeks approval, assent and compliance. I did what I had to do to trigger him so that he could get me in this position, where he tells me off and reminds me what my place is and what I'm here for.

It's fascinating how entirely different Jungkook and I are from each other and how we like extremely different things and yet we compliment each other in the best way because we complete each other's needs.

He craves the power of having control in his hands while I'm the one who's willing to surrender it.

I want him to control me.

Let me run free in his world.

Because that's the only time when I actually feel true to myself.

And I know that he needs a release. We both do.

"If you want to fuck so bad, then spread those pretty legs of yours and give me what I want." He says in a growl and slowly I part my legs, already feeling my pussy throbbing.

My thighs are sweltering and the fact that he's kissing them, nibbling on the skin doesn't help me cool down one bit. Every single little touch only keeps building up all the hunger that was already pent up inside.

Those natural instincts that only magnify as time passes by, as his fingers toy with my breasts and his lips leave tender wet kisses all over the softest parts of my thighs.

One leg is already over his shoulder and he pushes apart the other then pulls me close so that my entrance is close to his face. I'm so embarrassingly wet, that the fact he's taking his sweet ass time only turns me on more, because I want him to be hard on me. I want him to edge me even if I asked no; begged him to fuck me.

I want it difficult.

I want it complicated.

He complicates me and yet I feel so whole.

I want him to talk dirty to me.

Desecrate me.

Make me feel small and dirty. 

"Anything for you." I whisper spreading my legs further, revealing my glistening folds at him.

He wastes no time to touch me. At first, he's stroking my clit while sucking on my nipple slowly entering another digit and my head dives back. I hit the wall but I don't care. All I want is to continue feeling this good. My hands reach for his wet hair and caress the nape of his neck when he suddenly pulls on my hardened bud with his teeth. The sweet pain releases the sweetest feeling for me to revel in and all I can think about is that I need more.

Something that will make me feel the blood heat up under my skin.

"A sucker for pain aren't you?" Jungkook grins seconds later, sinking his digits deeper and deeper in my heat. My wetness coats his fingers as my muscles tighten around him. His free hand finds my chin and he lifts it, so that my throat is exposed.

He then bites on my neck. Hard. It will definitely leave a mark, but then he soothes the pain with his tongue, licking at the burning area with care. As he continues fingering me, he fastens his pace, hitting my clit repeatedly when he sucks on my earlobe. My pussy pulses around his fingers and he smirks arrogantly at how responsive my body is when he plays with it.

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