12 | a two way to pleasure part 2

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"You have yet to pleasure me." Jungkook's words come out in a deep tone, his voice velvety and for a second it sounded deeper than Taehyung's. The determination in his voice triggered the goosebumps on my skin. His arrogant attitude and the way he spoke oozed sex it was merely impossible to reject him. He is generally so focused on trying to get what he wants that he forgets everything and everyone around him. He doesn't care about the consequences. He's daring and doesn't give a fuck about anything. That's hot and I'd be lying if I said that it didn't turn me on.

"Taehyung turn your back so that it faces the arm of the couch while you," Jungkook pauses glaring at me "continue giving him a blowjob." Then he positions me on the couch in a way that my face was down and my ass was on the air. He spreads my legs and I can see him rest beneath my dripping sex. Tell me he isn't going to do what I think he's going to do.

"I said suck his cock Eye Candy." Jungkook says sharply. His coal eyes are persistent and demanding. I can feel heat rush to my cheeks and I take Taehyung's member back in my mouth. I suck on him hard this time until I force more fluids out of him. I swallow every single drop of pre-cum and then I can feel Jungkook's hands rub my inner thighs in circular motions. His touch is slow and sensual. He's taking his sweet time and I can feel myself getting wetter and wetter by the minute until his fingers spread my folds. I gasp on Taehyung's cock and that makes him groan. He grabs my platinum hair and presses me harder on his cock to the point I start deep throating him. I can tell that he's very kinky in bed from his refrained actions. He's holding back on purpose. Unlike someone else...

Jungkook on the other hand is using his fingers as he finally starts to stir inside me. The feeling is good but I need more. I'm so fucking aroused that honestly if either one of them asked to fuck me at the same time right here, I'd probably shamelessly accept. Jungkook's digits are slowly thrusting deep inside me and I can feel my wetness drip to my thighs. Only I want him to go faster. So, I start grinding against his hand while sucking Taehyung's cock.

"I'm going to cum!" Taehyung moans and when Jungkook uses his other hand to stretch me out, I groan on his friend's dick sending vibrations throughout his core.

"Make him cum in your mouth Eye Candy." Jungkook grits under me increasing the stimulation. "And swallow every single drop."

How the fuck did he turn the tables against me again? I was supposed to frustrate him and give him a taste of his own medicine and he's using my tactics against me. He's always one step ahead of me and I hate him for that because I'm the one who ends up used and thrown away.

I deep throat Taehyung's cock while using my hands to stroke his balls. I earn more moans from him and that seems to make Jungkook slightly angry when he pinches my folds. I make a muffled sound on Taehyung's member only to arouse him even more.

"Keep doing that Eye Candy ah! This feels so good." Taehyung moans and I continue pleasuring him with my mouth. I can tell that he's reaching his high because his cock is twitching and he's pulsing inside me. When he cums, I make sure to take it all in. I swallow every single drop. Some of his juices leaked from my mouth to his balls and his boxers. He came a heavy load I must say.

"That was amazing." Taehyung groans and when I pull out he flashes me an adorable boxy smile. That isn't a seductive or a sneaky smile or a pity smile. Something deep tells me that he actually appreciates what I did for him. I find myself returning the smile and he caresses my cheek. "Thank you," he says and I suddenly feel sentimental. Why did I have to interact with him in this sort of way? I honestly believe that if I ever approached him in uni we'd probably be friends. But I can cast that idea away because I won't be showing my face to him ever again.

"Clean him up." Jungkook commands after a while and I have no choice but to listen or he'd expose me. What did I do to deserve this awful treatment? He slaps my ass and I start licking up Taehyung's seeds starting from his cock going down to his balls and then I lick his abdomen clean. Man, that was one heavy load of cum. He's either got a long time to get intimate with someone or he's a non experienced guy who jerks off to porn. And judging from his refrained movements the first one is more accurate.

Taehyung gets up and pulls his pants up. He buckles his belt and smiles at me. Honestly, I like him a lot more than Jungkook. At least he's being respectful towards my profession. He pulls out his wallet from his jacket and hands me a hundred dollar bill. I feel so bad for taking money from him for some unknown reason. It feels wrong.

"Thank you," I say and he chuckles.

"There's no need to thank me Eye Candy. I'm the one who should do the thanking for this amazing night." Taehyung says with a boxy smile that makes my heart melt. He then heads towards the door.

"You're leaving?" I ask and he turns around with a grin. Jungkook is still underneath me as he draws his fingers out.

"Unlike Jungkook I'm not into others watching when I pleasure a girl." He tells me. "I'll return you the favor next time."

Next time?

Taehyung winks at me and opens the door. When the door shuts I'm all alone with Jungkook.

"What was that all about?" He inquires in an unsatisfactied manner.

I glance at him. "What do you mean?"

"This is the first time you formed a coherent sentence to another customer." He observes. "When you're with me it's only moans of pure ecstasy."

"You're disgusting." I say and scoot away from him.

"You're interested in him." He says and I flash him a look.

"No, I'm not." I retort. Although I have to admit Taehyung does seem intriguing.

"So you're still into Jimin." He says.

The mentioning of Jimin's name makes me feel so vulgar and dirty. He's such a pure human being compared to me. I've been touched so many times by different men, I've put my body on display, I let men manhandle me and treat me like shit. I've done unspoken things with both of his friends. He doesn't deserve someone like me. He deserves better. Someone who can match the purity of his soul.

"Lie down on your back Eye Candy." Jungkook suddenly says.

"No," I tell him and he raises a brow.

"Do you really think you're in a position to defy me?" He sneers.

I sure as hell am not, I think to myself. "No, but we need to talk."

"About what?" he asks.

"I'm not having my birthday party at your place." I say and he starts laughing.

"I was waiting for you to bring that up." He admits.

I ball my fists. "Is that why you brought Taehyung here?"

"I did suspect that you'd find out sometime soon considering that your loser friend hangs around Jimin's balls for you." Jungkook explains. "However, Taehyung needed a release so I brought him here."

"Whatever," I say. "I'm not spending my birthday at your house."

"You haven't seen my house." He snorts.

"Sorry, I mean cave." I spit.

Jungkook runs a hand through his hair. "You can't afford to have your party at the Red." He sighs.

"Aw, how sweet you care about my financial stability." I throw.

"Judging from your work environment, I wouldn't say you're holding up very well." He tells me.

"I don't care, I've been saving." I say.

"I don't care either Eye Candy. Your birthday party is happening at my mansion." Jungkook snaps. "Or would you rather defy me and see what happens?"

I don't say a thing.

"A certain secret will be revealed and someone will lose all respect from everyone." He grins.

"Fuck you." I grit.

"Oh I will Elena." He says. It's a promise. "Soon enough. Now lie on your back."

I want to cry. I feel like trash right now. Jungkook will just keep using my secret as blackmail in order to get what he wants from me. I hate him. I hate him so much.

"Are you going to have sex with me now?" I ask.

He grins. "Not yet. I'm going to take my sweet time with you Eye Candy. For now I'm going to taste you."

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