15 | Jimin

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Jimin's POV

This has never happened to me before.

My palms are all sweaty and my heartbeat accelerates when I see Elena standing outside Jungkook's massive mansion in her tight cornflower blue top and cream skirt. My heart is beating like a hummingbird' in my chest, sweat coursing on my neck. My hands are slightly shaking as I'm clenching the gift bag, holding it so tight as if my life depends on it while I'm wondering whether she'll like it or not.

I was really busy this week with studies and gereral responsibilities so I didn't have enough time to shop for the ideal birthday gift. I also had no idea what I could possibly buy this girl since we've never hung out or anything. I'm good friends with her best friend though Min Yoongi and when I asked him what she would find useful he just laughed to himself and patted my shoulder saying that whatever I got her she'd love it either way. I didn't quite understand at the moment what he meant but when her face lit up as soon as she saw the lip gloss thingy I presented my suspicions were finally confirmed.

"I love it." She smiled radiantly. "Thank you."

She probably has a crush on me. But I'm no good for her. She's a good girl. She doesn't fool around or get into trouble. She's the best student in her field and I admire her for that, but I don't think that we could be compatible. Becides, I don't do relationships. I can't commit to one person because my mind is all over the place. Or to be more precise my dick is all over the place. And Elena is probably inexperienced if not a virgin. I don't want to frighten her with the kinky shit I'm into.

Yoongi has been talking to me about her a lot. He thinks I'm an idiot, but he couldn't be any more mistaken. I knew from the beginning that he approached me because of Elena. I can tell that he cares about her like a sister but the best I can do right now is nod my head and play dumb because I don't want her to misunderstand anything. I might fuck around but I'm not a bad person. I don't want to take advantage of people's feelings for my own benefit.

Elena is currently somewhere inside the mansion with Jungkook. Honestly, I have no idea what he wants with her that he had to drag her away from me while we were having a perfectly normal conversation. Having nothing else interesting to do, I head to the kitchen to grab a snack but when I hear moaning and kissing sounds I stop right in my tracks. After a short moment I tiptoe to the kitchen and hide behind the wall. I sneak a peak only to see Jungkook and Elena kissing passionately. She's on the counter and he is positioned between her legs, his hands on the inside of her thighs rubbing circles on her skin extracting more moans. Her hands are stuffed with the fabric of his shirt. She's pulling onto it wanting to feel more of him and he gives her exactly what she wants. And I can't help but think how fucking sexy and seductive Elena looks on the marble counter being touched by my best friend. I'm getting hard and for a fleeting moment I wish to be in Jungkook's position.

Jungkook suddenly interrupts the kiss and pulls away from Elena. He fishes for something in his pocket and hands it to her. It's a red lipstick and she looks so happy when she receives his gift. A pang of jealousy strucks me and I start feeling bitter.

"Oh my God thank you!" She smiles. "I love it!" Then she hugs him tightly.

But then someone rings the doorbell and I have to open the door because it's obvious that neither of them will do the honor. I hesitate for a little waiting to see what they will do but they are just staring at each other in silence.

Awkward sexual tension it is then. Nothing worth watching. Although I must admit that I am curious. Why is Jungkook seeing Elena in secret? I don't think that they're in a serious relationship but this is rare. I have no idea how long this has been going on but judging from how intimate they were in the kitchen I think it's safe to assume that he has fucked her at least once. Then again, Jungkook doesn't go for the good girls. He always chooses to fuck the ones with a skirt that resembles a belt rather than an actual skirt. Becides, he doesn't even like her. He has never expressed any sort of interest on her side. On the contrary when Jungkook and I got accepted into Uni he always provoked her and made sure to make her life hell. I always assumed that he was just being a dick to her for the fun of it. This situation though, has picked my interest. What exactly is Jungkook doing with Elena?

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