Forgive me.

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Only half and hour had past since I was held at knife point and I am once again in the hospital wing.Gellert is beside me-we have to wait for someone from the ministry to arrive and talk to us about what happened. Gellert is blaming him self for this,even though I told him its not his fault.

I can see it in his eyes,Gellert hasn't really said much since we arrived in the hospital wing. Gellert is sat beside me holding my hand,but he isn't looking at me like he normally is and that worried me.

"Gellert" I say quietly,he glanced at me briefly but said nothing "Gellert will you look at me please" I say this time he does look at me and I can see the pain and sadness in his beautiful eyes"This is not your fault,it has never been your fault Gellert and I don't want you to blame your self for this"

"But this is my fault" Gellert says"If I hadn't left Katherine... "
"You had every right to leave,she cheated" I interrupted
"But its my fault she cheated" Gellert tells me
"How is it your fault?" I ask
"I wasn't spending enough time with her" Gellert tells me
"And that doesn't excuse her for running off and sleeping with someone else" I say.

"She should have sat down and talked to you."
"How are you so wise,for being so young?" Gellert asks
"I don't know,I should have been in Ravenclaw" I admit. I shift to the other side of the bed and pull on Gellert's hand,he sits beside me on the bed on my right ride and pulls me into his side,being careful of my bruised left side.

"I'll get into trouble doing this" Gellert says
"I don't care what madame pomfey says,your staying put" I tell him
"And that my love is why your Slytherin, a rule breaker" Gellert says
"You know what you need,handsome" I say.

"A kiss" Gellert smirks
"Besides that,you good looking are in need of a holiday" I tell him
"Hey that was my idea" Gellert says,I lean closer to him and kiss his lips.As we kiss,Gellert's hand made its way under my top and he placed it carefully onto my bruised skin.

His hand is colder than normal,and I moaned at the cold feeling and Gellert slipped his tounge into my mouth.We made out for a few more minutes before the door opened and Gellert pulls back,leaving me a panting and blusing mess.

Tame Me (a Gellert Grindelwald love story)Where stories live. Discover now