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Today is Sunday 1st of December and I had my plan worked out how to embarrass the not so great but oh so annoying Albus Dumbledore.I had just picked up one of my school books to move it,when a loud crack made me jump and almost drop the book on my foot.

"If I was not awake before,I certainly am now" I say picking the book back up
"Had to make sure you are awake" Gellert says
"A kiss would have been better" I grumble
"I can do that" Gellert smirks, walking over to me and pulling me into a kiss.It is rougher than Gellert's normal kisses,but I didn't care.

I pulled back not longer after it started,making Gellert pout
"Sorry but we got some embarrassing to do" I say
"It can wait longer" Gellert says,trying to kiss me again.I put my hand over his mouth and say
"We can either kiss or go and embarrass beard face,your choice" I say.Gellert glared at me,I knew he really wanted to do both,he stands up and huffs
"Fine let's go,but you owe me later" I smirk
"Good boy".

We made our way to the great hall,the doors are open and all the tables had been cleared,the floor is different and a large gramophone stood waiting, beside it stood Minerva and close by is Albus.Chairs lined both sides of the room,and students were slowly entering.

I stood to the right of Albus and Gellert is to the left,but we arent close enough to cause suspicion. As Minerva began to talk to the students,me and Gellert went over the plan again in our heads
"Now the most basic dance to teach is the waltz, so I need a volunteer" Minerva said looking at the students, who shrink in their seats.

Albus who is to busy watching Minerva failed to notice that Gellert had moved,until it was to late.Gellert stood behind Albus and shoved him into the back of Minerva, but not hard enough to hurt or knock her over
"Ah Albus,so kind of you to help" Minerva smiles at him
"Uhh..." The head master is nervous.

Gellert started the music with a wave of his hand,however Albus froze in place
"Come on Albus,don't be shy" Gellert shouts
"Yeah take the lady by the waist" I shout
"The what?" Albus said like I had said something dirty
"My waist Albus" Minerva says calmly, Albus placed a shaking hand on Minerva's waist and they began to dance.

When Minerva moved closer to Albus to dance better I wolf whistled,causing Albus to be even more embarrassed. Me and Gellert burst out laughing, which causes the students to look at us shocked.They had never seen Professor Grindelwald smile let alone laugh.

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