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Still Gellert's P.O.V
It did take Chaz quiet a bit of time to get settled, for one she threw up a couple more times until the potion started to work.Then when she did settle,Chaz would cough and sneeze.I didn't like seeing my girlfriend like this-so pale and life less,normally she is active and life like now she is death warmed up.

I looked at the time on Chaz's strange device she calls a mobile phone and see that it is 1:00pm which means the Quidditch match is over,and every one will be heading to lunch. I my self am hungry but I don't want to move as Chaz is sound asleep on my chest.Her breathing is even and she has not coughed in a while, which is a good thing-the bad part is my right arm has gone to sleep on me.

I could have sat and read a book whilst Chaz is sleeping, but turning a page of a book with one hand is not easy.Plus I did not know if Chaz would need anything if she woke up.Speaking of which Chaz is on the move,I watch as she stretches and yawns and I couldn't help but smile.

"So sleeping beauty, how are you feeling?" I ask once Chaz is awake
"I'm still aching,my head hurts and I'm very hot,but I don't feel sick any more" Chaz tells me
"That's some improvement at least" I say"Would you mind sitting up,my arm has been asleep for the past hour"
"Why didn't you move me?" Chaz asks me as she carefully sits up and I feel the blood rush back down my arm.

"And risk waking you up?No I'd much prefer a dead arm" I tell her
"Your amazing" Chaz tells me,she leans over and kiss me on the lips
"Ohh,hot stuff" I say after we separate
"Your like my personal ice cube,your cool to the touch" Chaz tells me
"Yep,I love the cold and am used to it,which is why I am cool to the touch" I explain.

"Since your awake,you can try something to eat" I say
"Even though I'm not hungry,I will eat something anyway" Chaz says.After Chaz has managed to eat,I say
"Time for fresh air and exercise" Chaz groans at this
"Can't we pretend to be vampires and stay in doors?"
"Nope,fresh air and exercise will do you good" I say.

After making sure Chaz is dressed in warm close,we head outside into the cold March afternoon. Chaz complains about the sun being to bright
"Your adroble,you know that" I say kissing her on the fore head
"I thought I am the snot monster" Chaz says,making me laugh
"You might be ill but you still have your sense of humor" I say,we walk around the grounds making the most of everyone being at lunch.

"I'm too hot" Chaz says tugging on her coat
"It will help sweat the cold out of you" I say
"I'll stop complaing,if I can get a kiss" Chaz asks
"Now that is something I am more than willing to give you" I say.

We stand and kiss for a few moments, I think Chaz is enjoying the feeling of my cold lips against her hot ones.When Chaz pulls back,she starts coughing from the lack of oxygen. i pat her on the back and make sure she is ok
"Well that is one way to kill the mood" I tease,Chaz sticks out her tounge at me,but pulls me into a hug anyway
"Your a pain in the back side,but I love you no matter what" Chaz tells me.

"I love you to,my snot filled vampire" I say
"I don't mind that nickname"Chaz says as we head back to the castle "Just dont call me girly"
"Why not?" I ask
"The last time someone called me girly, I broke there nose" Chaz says
"I broke Dumbledores nose when he eventually told me my ex was cheating on me,he had a black eye for weeks" I say
"And now I love you even more."

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