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For most of the night I couldn't figure out why Albus and Draco did what they did.I got part of the answer come the morning when I left to head to breakfast. There is mistletoe all over the castle,but not loads of it.I hurried to the great hall-i have no intention of being under one with anyone but Gellert.

But it did get me thinking thought,why would Albus and Draco do this-it made no sense.After breakfast I head to Gellert's classroom deep in thought. I hadn't realised I had arrived until I walked into Gellert
"Earth to Chaz" Gellert says,I look up and smile
"Gellert,where did you come from?"
"I was already here" he says steering me inside "What's on your mind?"
"I was thinking about what we saw last night".

"It did seem strange" Gellert agrees,before I could say anything else there is a tap on the window.We both look and see Hedwig with a package, Gellert opens the window and the snowy owl flies in and drops the package beside me,then lands on my shoulder,a letter in her beak.The moment I took the letter,Hedwig took flight again.I recognized my dads writing.The letter said

Dear pup
The package is for your boyfriend (yes I know about him)but don't give it him until Christmas. It was requested by a friend, see you boxing day
                 Love dad.
Since Gellert is busy writing on the black board, I open a bit of paper and saw what is inside.A jumper-a Weasley made jumper.It now all made sense.

"I've got it" I say as Gellert turns back to me
"Got what my love,besides me" Gellert says
"I know you are" I roll my eyes
"I know why Albus and Draco did what they did.It was a distraction for us,so we would not see what was really going on" I explain
"Which is what?"Gellert asks
"That Albus sent someone to the owlry to deliver a letter to my dad" I say.

"But why?" Gellert asks,curious
"To send your Christmas present,whilst we followed them two,we missed someone going to the owlry" I say to him
"But why send a present for me?And how do you know it was Albus?" Gellert inquiries
"Because of what the gift is and Albus more than likely used Minerva to deliver the note" I say.

"Makes sense,but what is the gift?" Gellert asks me
"You are not allowed to know until Christmas" I say
"Figures.How did you work this all out?"
"I read a lot of Poirot and Sherlock Holmes books."

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