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We apperate back to the car,get in and drive back to Grimuald Place
"Well that was certainly a interesting experience" Gellert says as I park the car in the garage
"Yeah it was fun" I say,we exit the car and head into the house.We make our way to the kitchen but it is empty so head to the living room which is also empty.

"Your dad's not here" Gellert says tossing my teddy on to the sofa
"How do you know?" I ask him
"This note" Gellert says hanging me the note,which confirmed my dad is not here.

"Which means your alone...with me...in this house" Gellert says walking over to me
"Oh no we are not having sex in my father's house" I say
"So your going to say no to me" Gellert whispers, before he starts to nipp at collar bone
"Well...ye...I" I couldn't form a sentence and I could feel Gellert smirk into my neck.

He pulls back and looks at me
"I'm not hearing a no"
"Damn you" I say giving in and grabbing him by the front of his hoodie and kissing him roughly on the lips.I feel Gellert's tounge lick my bottom lip,but I keep my mouth closed.Gellert growls at me and I just smirk against his mouth,knowing it frustrated him to not be in total control.

Gellert's hands trail down my back and rest on my ass,but before he could take control of me,we hear someone clear there throat. We pull apart breathing hard and see my dad smirking with,Remus Lupin looking awkward and his wife Tonks also grinning.

"Hope were not interrupting anything" Sirius asks casually,like he hasn't just caught his daughter snogging her boyfriend
"No" I say
"Can we have a ..er word" Remus asks
"Sure" I say,the three of them head to the kitchen. I look at Gellert
"You dare deny me" he says
"Yes I dare" I tell him.

"You will be punished for that" Gellert tells me
"I look forward to it" I say tapping him on the nose as I walk out of the room.I sit talking with Sirius, Remus and Tonks about the idea of me becoming a teacher when I leave school
"Yes if you can keep up your studies,talk to Dumbledore and pass a Ministry test then I think you have what it takes to be a teacher" Remus tells me.

Me and Gellert stayed at my dads for the night and arrived back at Hogwarts the next day
"You know princess no one has ever denied me like that before" Gellert tells me.

"So I'm the first?" I ask
"Wow,does it excit you?" I say quietly
"It does my love" Gellert agrees "You denying me just makes me more determined to get what I want." I walk into the great hall with Gellert this time as I have to arrange a meeting with beard face.

Part of the way threw double quidditch practice to get me back into training, I have to leave Matt in charge as I have my meeting with the headmaster. I stay in my quidditch robes,leaving my normal clothes and wand in the changing room.I enter the entrance hall when someone grabs me around the neck from behind
"Scream and I will kill you" I hear a woman say as something cold is pressed into my neck.

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