Official Meeting

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A/n since all my Grindelwald pictures have gone off my phone,I'm improvising.

"How did you know where to find us?" Gellert asks
"I just did" Queenie says
"Yeah right" I say,Gellert stares down Newt causing the younger wizard to blurt
"Dumbledore told us"
"Typical beard face" I say
"Its nice to officially meet you" Queenie tells me,offering a friendly hand.

"Charmaine Black" I say taking the hand"And just so you know,me and females don't really get along "I say
"Oh...well I'm Queenie Kowalski" Queenie says"This is my sister Tina Scamander, she works for the ministry "I shake her hand
" I'm not fond of ministry workers either"
"Why?" Tina asks
"Personal reasons" Gellert said.

"Well Dumbledore is right,you two do have a lot in common"Newt tells us,as the five of us head to the great hall for lunch
"We have enough things that we do not have in common,to keep things interesting" Gellert says
"No you just don't understand most of it because it is muggle stuff" I say
"Most of the stuff is pointless anyway" Gellert says.

Gellert's P.O.V
As Chaz headed to join her friends, Tina said
"Miss Black seems like a lovely person"
"It is uncommon for Slytherin's to be nice,but not unheard of" Newt adds
"Chaz is really amazing" I say watching her laugh with her friends.

"So when is the wedding?" Queenie asks
"What?" I ask her
"Well you love her she loves you,you get along great,so marriage?" Queenie says excited
"Your getting ahead of your self,Queenie" Newt tells her
"One day,we will get married" I say

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