Catch up.

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November was as cold and as uneventful as expected,the only interesting part is Slytherin won there first house match against Hufflepuff.Matt and David found it hard to believe that I had time to hang out with my friends,do my homework,do quidditch practice and maintain a good relationship with my boyfriend.To be honest it wasn't that hard,quidditch is only once a week,I can hang out with my friends and do homework at the same time,which leaves plenty of time to spend with Gellert.And Gellert will help me with my homework, but only so I can be done faster to spend time with him.

I haven't really spent much time with Rhaena and Audie,we are still friends its there spending time with there boyfriends. Rhaena and Draco and Audie and Nevile,Matt and David spent a lot of time planning something. I have no idea what,they asked me to meet them in the common room just as lunch started.

I am heading to the common room,when I felt like I was being followed. The smell wasn't overly familiar,I turn and regret it
"What do you want Walker?" I groan
"I want you" Jason says
"Look perv,leave me alone before I kick your ass" I threatened
"You can't hurt me,your a prefect sexy" Jason says drapping his arm around me,I grabbed his arm and twist it behind him
"I never said I would use magic,maggot" I snarl at him"Touch me again and I'll break your arm"I shove him into the wall and walk off
"Until next time,babe" Jason calls after me.

I walk into the common room and flopped down on a sofa,a few seconds later Matt and David enter the room from there dorm room and sit on the sofa opposite me
"To what do I owe the pleasure,gentleman" I say
"Well lass,we have something important to tell you" David starts
"OK" I say
"Now what we say,we haven't told anyone else at this school" Matt says
"You can tell me anything, I won't tell anyone without your permission" I say.The boys exchange a look,then say
"We are both gay"

A/n i have never written about gay characters before and wanted to give it a try. If any body that is part of the LBGTQ+ and is offended by anything I put in futer chapter's please P.M and tell me,but please know I meant no harm.

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