Happy Birthday Chaz(part 2)

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A/n I know the picture isnt of Gellert but I wanted to put this here.

The great hall is half empty due to it being Sunday so all my friends sat together at the Slytherin table
"Hey guys" I say
"Happy birthday Chaz" they all say
"Anyone who sings happy birthday, I'll hex them" I say sitting down
"Your no fun" Matt pouts.

"Since your old broom got damaged in the recent match against Ravenclaw..." Rheana begins
"Not my fault" Matt butts in,I had lent him my Firebolt
"Shh" Audie says to Matt
"We decided we wanted to buy you a replacement, but we can't afford it" Rheana carries on
"So I just said to my father I needed a new broom,and he got me one" Draco adds.

"So lass we are giving it to you for your birthday" David finished
"Thanks guys" I say
"So what did lover boy get for you?" Rheana asks
"This ring so far" I say and show them my new ring
"That's it?" Draco says
"She said so far Draco" Audie tells him.

"I don't know what else he has planned for me,but I can't wait" I say excited. The post arrives and I get more gifts,from my dad is the complete Lord of The Rings books,from the Weasleys is home made fudge and from Remus and Tonks a fresh supply of Zonkos products and plenty of chocolate.

After asking Rheana to take my presents to my dorm I head outside to meet my boyfriend. He is stood at the edge of the forrest as normal
"So handsome, what's next" I ask him
"A trip to London,princess" Gellert says,its only then I noticed his clothes are different
"Hold on,what happened to your normal clothes" I ask
"I felt like blending in for a change" Gellert says.

He is wearing black Dr marten boots on his feet,black jeans that hug his legs,a black shirt rolled up to past his elbows and a black waist coat"I'm thinking of doing a bit more"Gellert says
"Why you look fine as normal" I say
"I know but how many platinum blonde men,with two eye colours in leather trousers do you see?" Gellert asks
"Just you" I say
"Besides you will like it anyway" Gellert reassures.

When Gellert is done his skin tone is a heathy colour and tanned,his arms are covered in various tattoo's,his shirt and waist coat are undone exposing quiet a bit of his toned chest,with his custom Deathly Hallows necklace on display,his hair is longer and dark brown and his eyes are both chocolate brown

When Gellert is done his skin tone is a heathy colour and tanned,his arms are covered in various tattoo's,his shirt and waist coat are undone exposing quiet a bit of his toned chest,with his custom Deathly Hallows necklace on display,his hair is l...

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A/n how Gellert looks,minus the guitar.
"Yowza" I say"You look like a rock star"
"I'm glad you like it" Gellert tells me
"You look gorgeous either way."

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