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"I have a boyfriend Rhaena,that's how" I tell her
"For how long?" Rhaena asks
"For some time" I say
"Who is your boyfriend?" the red head asks
"I'll tell you who my boyfriend is,in private" I say.

After dinner is over,me and Rhaena find Audie and I lead them to a empty part of the dungeons, after making sure no one else is around, I turn back to the girls
"OK Black,spill" Rhaena demands
"What's this about?" Audie asks
"Well Audie Miss Black hear has a boyfriend, and did not tell us" Rhaena tells the Hufflepuff.

"You have a boyfriend,Chaz?" Audie asks me
"Yes i do" I say"But its not what your expecting "
"So explain"
"My boyfriend is not a student...he is a teacher" it was silent after I say that,the girls stare at me
"Your...your dating a teacher" Audie says
"Yes,don't forget I'm twenty three" I say.

"So who is your man?" Rhaena asks"Is it Lockhart? "
"No" I say
"Is it Snape?"
"Its Grindelwald,isn't it" Audie asks
"Yes" I admit
"I think its cute" Audie says,Rhaena is thinking
"How old is he?"she asks
"Does it matter" I demand
"Well no,but why him?" Rhaena asks.

"What do you mean,why him?" I ask,getting angry
"Nothing" she says worriedly
"No tell me Rhaena" I demand "Is it because he is older than me? That he is my teacher? The fact he is a Durmstrang student?His two eyes colours?"
"I didn't mean it like that" Rhaena says quietly
"You know what forget it,until you can stop being judgmental about Gellert,do not come near me" I say and storm off.

I walked to my dorm,opened the door go inside and slam the door shut
"What does Rhaena have against Gellert?She does not know him like I do" I ask.

Tame Me (a Gellert Grindelwald love story)Where stories live. Discover now