The choice.

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About half way threw December I had really got the hang of helping Gellert teach dueling,and apparently quite a few students say me and Gellert make a great pairing. Also some students have began to ask each other to the ball,which is when I get to see my friends again.

Me and Gellert sat talking with Audie in my dorm
"So how many guys or girls have asked you to the party?" I ask Audie
"Four guys have" Audie says"Two fourth years,a third year and Neville who I said yes to"
"Aww" I saw,making the shy Hufflepuff smile
"What about you,princess?" Gellert asks me
"Just two" I say"Harry and Ron,but I told Harry to ask Ginny and Ron to ask Hermione. So what about you handsome? "
"Eighty females in two days" Gellert says
"What?eighty in two days" I say
"Yep" Gellert smirks
"Damn that's a lot of no's" I say"Right?".

"Of course,I'm only going with you my love" Gellert tells me
"Was it mostly students that asked or did some teachers?" Audie asks
"Audie, that is so not like you" I say shocked
"You have corrupted her" Gellert says
"I have"I grin
" I don't mind"Audie says.
"And to answer your question, it has been seventy five students"
"What about the other five"
"Miss Wood" Gellert says
"Really,can't she take no for a answer" I say.

The next day I am walking to the library, when I am stopped by Jason Walker
"Just the Slytherin I am looking for"
"Go pester someone else Walker" I say,going to walk around him,he moves in my way
"What do you want Walker?"
"You to come to the Christmas party with me" Jason says

"No" I say
"Why not?we would be the hottest people there" Jason complains
"Still no" I say,getting annoyed
"What boy could be better than me?" Jason asks,crossing his arms
"Literally any other boy" I say"Now piss off and pester some mewling quim".

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