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Chaz's P.O.V
As I sat laughing with Matt and David,I received a note from Snape asking me to meet him in the dungeons to talk about the prospect of me becoming head girl next year.

Gellert's P.O.V
I noticed Chaz had left the hall but had returned a few moments later,I didn't think to much about it.I headed outside to wait for Chaz to come out of the hall,I watched as Chaz left with Matt and David and once they saw me,the two boys left
"Care to accompany me?" I ask her
"Depends where?" She asks
"Just for a simple walk around the grounds, princess" I say
"If I must,my prince" Chaz says walking off.

Strange,Chaz normally calls me handsome and saves my prince for Loki,I caught up to her
"What's your hurry?" I ask
"I'm not hurrying, your just slow old man" Chaz tells me
"Old man?" I ask her
"Yeah you might be hot,but your old" Chaz says casually
"Since when had my age mattered to you?" I say
"It doesn't ,but I'm just stating a fact" she shrugs
"Thanks" I say.First Chaz calls me "My prince" and now she is calling me old,what's going on?

After another few moments of walking,Chaz starts heading back to the castle
"Where are you going?" I ask
"I'm board,so I'm heading back" she says
"Board of me or the walk?" I ask
"Both" Chaz says not looking at me.I stopped walking, Chaz has never been board of my company before,the way she said it hurt me.

I walked back inside and approached Chaz
"Have I done something wrong?" I ask
"No just sick of you being around" Chaz says
"Oh...well...I'm sorry" I say quietly
"Whatever" Chaz heads up the stairs,I sit on the stairs she had disappeared up and sat thinking. So many questions raced around my mind,is this the beginning of the end for us?

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