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The three of us followed Gellert inside the great hall,every one is wearing a costume-well except for Snape.We walked over to the drinks table where Gellert is
"Looking for something,Captain?" I ask
"There's no rum"Gellert says
"Well duh,this is a school"Matt says
"How about some fire whisky" David adds,we all look at him
"How do you know about fire whisky?" I ask him
"My grandfather,lass" David says
"I need rum" Gellert demand's
"Look Captain man child,this is a school which means-no rum" Matt tells him.

Gellert glares at him,I laugh
"Captain man child,I love it"Gellert looks at me
"You are in trouble love" he says
"Oh yeah,what are you going to do about it?" I say smirking,Gellert walks over to me and says into my ear
"I will deal with you outside".

As time went on I had fun with Gellert,who knew he was so funny.Unfortunately I had to do patrol,to make sure students did not cause trouble as they left the party
"OK pirate,your coming with me"I say,walking over to Gellert.

We go to leave but are stopped by Morgan Carlson a former student who is Professor Trawlenys assistant
"My such a handsome pirate"she says,her light blue eyes trailing over his body,she is dressed as a cheerleader" How about we ditch the kids and Netflix and chill?"
"What does that harlot mean,love?" Gellert asks.

I whisper in his ear what she ment,Gellert looks at her disgusted
"I have all the treasure I need in my life"Gellert tells her,looking at me
"I have plenty of jewelry" Morgan says,sweetly. I tried not to vomit over how fake she is
"Not all treasure is gold and silver mate" I tell her,and take Gellert by the hand and leave her staring after us.

We head up the stairs,when Gellert says
"You weren't jealous over her,where you love?"
"Nah,your my pirate" I say
"Aye love" he says
"Don't pirates have loads of women?" I ask
"Some,but not this Captain.Your all the woman I need"
"Are you saying I'm a handful?"

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