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The quidditch match was amazing, we won with my help of course. I showed off some of my skills,some of my moves the Durmstrang boys could not do.Such as broom drifting and broom surfing. The only down side is I got hurt...kinda bad,I guess one of the Durmstrang boys got pissed off with me and had a beater hit a bludger at me.I never saw it coming,it hit my right shoulder-breaking it and I landed hard breaking some of my ribs also on my right side,which is not good since I'm right handed.

As Madame Pomfrey finished tying my sling for my arm,there is shouting in the corridor outside.As Madame Pomfrey opened the hospital wing door a large shaggy black dog ran over to my bed and jumped up on it,the dog was followed by an annoyed Filch.I know who the dog is,the familiar blue eyes(a/n I know in the books Sirius has grey/silver eyes but my version has blue like Gary Oldman)gave it away,plus I should know my fathers animagus form.Whilst Filch argued with Pomfrey I played with Snuffles.

Footsteps are heard outside, and soon enough Gellert,Severus,Minerva, Albus and my four friends walked in.The teachers talked about the end of the match which I missed and apparently the captain of the Durmstrang team said he was sorry that I got hurt,but by the look on Gellert's face-it was not good enough for him.

The teachers left to head to the party to celebrate Hogwarts victory, with Gellert saying he would talk to me later.I was left alone with Snuffles and my four friends,I sat running my hands along Snuffles soft fur,as Matt asked
"How are you feeling?"
"I've been better" I say
"You had us worried there lass" David adds
"I know,I'm sorry" I tell him
"Its not your fault Chaz" Audie tells me

"Yeah its that stupid beaters fault" Rhaena says"I always knew all Durmstrang boys are assholes"
"That's not true,Rhaena" I tell the red head
"How do you know?" She retorts
"Because Professor Grindelwald went to that school and he is certainly not an asshole" I tell her,she looks taken aback with my reaction.

"I think we should leave" Audie says quietly, pulling Rhaena with her.Matt and David follow the two girls leaving me alone-sort of
"What was that all about?" I hear my dad,Sirius Black ask me
"What was what?" I ask him
"The way you spoke to your friend" Sirius says
"Rhaena doesn't know Gellert like I do,she had no right to say that" I tell him,Sirius's blue eyes fill with amusement
"Gellert huh" I realised my mistake"You fancy this Gellert,don't you?"I blush and say
"Yeah,I do"
"Aww,my little wolf pup has a crush.How sweet" Sirius teases
"Daaad" I whine"You know he's my dueling teacher right"I say
"So what,your twenty three and he's..." Sirius asks
"Older than me" I say
"Why does that matter?Remus is older than Tonks and there married" my dad grins
"So your not mad?"
"Pup,I don't care who you like,as long as he would treat you right,or he will deal with me" Sirius says
"I wouldn't let you hurt him" I say.

Sirius dragged me to the party,even though I was ment to be in the hospital wing over night.We walked into the great hall which had been changed,there was no big house tables just small ones,a table for food and drink and a dance floor
"Right what's this Gellert look like?" Sirius asks
"Platinum blonde hair,good looking,long black trench coat..." I list
"Found him" Sirius drags me over to him"Your welcome "he says before walking off.

Gellert looks at me confused and I say
"Don't mind my dad"
"Anyway there's something I asked you yesterday, but you fell asleep before you heard" Gellert says"Charmaine will you go out with me?"
"Yes,I'll go out with you" we stand and talk for some time,when we are interrupted by a voice
"Well if it isn't the quidditch hero" I looked and saw a Ravenclaw boy,he has dirty blonde hair and light blue eyes,he was quiet muscular
"And what are you,the clown?" I tell him
"Fire and beauty, my favorite combo" the boy says"Jason Walker,but you can call me yours "I could feel Gellert getting angry
"I'm not interested little man" I say unimpressed
"Care to dance" Jason asks holding out his hand
"Do I look like I can dance" I glare at Jason,he grinned and says
"We can find something to do,with one arm?"

I could see Gellert reaching for his wand.The moment Jason looked away,I grabbed Gellert by the hand and drag him outside
"What you pull me away for?I was only going to teach him a lesson" he demands
"Look Mr.Possessive, you can't hex your students,even if he deserved it" I say it didn't calm Gellert,so I grabbed the white tie around his neck and pull him into a kiss.This kiss was rougher than the other kisses we shared. Gellert backed me against the wall as we made out,I just hoped we wouldn't get caught.

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