Dueling Lesson.

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It wasn't hard to get used to being in school again,getting to lessons on time,finding class rooms,doing homework.The only thing I was really looking forward to was seeing what the dueling class was like.Matt and David both said they like the class but weren't that good at it.Most of the other students that talked about Professor Grindelwald, where clearly scared of him-more then they were of Snape. I had no idea why they feared Grindelwald.

Finally the week was almost over,meaning it was Friday and I finally got dueling as a double lesson at the end of the day.After I had eaten lunch and before lessons resumed, I head to the owlry to get a package from my dad.He had sent me a letter the other day saying he had gotten me a new school bag.I arrived at the owlry to see Harry's owl Hedwig,sitting on top of a large box.I thanked her,who then flew off out the window.I opened the box,inside was a brand new Ironman rucksack.

After swapping bags over,I met up with Matt and we head to dueling,David said he would meet us there

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After swapping bags over,I met up with Matt and we head to dueling,David said he would meet us there.On the way me and Matt talked about Marvel, he knew something's but not as much as me.We were in the middle of talking about the civil war movie when a voice says
"What are you two talking about?" We both jump,well I did,Matt however let out a girlish scream.It was David-we burst out laughing at Matt,who pretend to sulk.

Eventually everyone else arrived and we all piled into the class room.Whilst I looked around,Matt dragged me to a table with him
"Hey,I thought we always sit together?" David asks
"We sit beside each other for every class,I would like to sit beside Chaz for just one lesson" Matt tells him
"I see what's going on here,you fancy her" David snickers
"No I do not" Matt say
"Matt's cute, but not my type" I say.

The first lesson was mainly a refresher from last year,and a catch up for me.We wrote lots of things down.The second lesson however was more practical. The class was lined up along the back of the class room,with the desk's cleared away-Gellert was stood in front of us with his arms behind his back.I was standing in between David and Matt.

"Now,I'm going to demonstrate a basic duel,then you will all get to have a go" Gellert said"Now who wants to face me?"Gellert asks looking at us all.The class shrinks back,not wanting to duel a fully fledged wizard.I however wasn't so lucky,as Matt and David both pushed me forward
"Nice to see someone excepted my challenge" Gellert said,smirking at me as I stepped forward
"Don't worry I'll go easy on you" Gellert said,well in my head
"What do you mean?" I ask as I drew my wand
"I mean this" Gellert thought, as he drew his wand-Elder wood,thestral tail hair fifteen inches, more commonly known as the elder wand
"Oh bugger" I say.There was no way I was going to beat the elder wand,its the most powerful wand ever.

After a three count we began to duel,surprisingly I lasted more than one spell.We kept sending spells at each other ,until our spells hit in the middle causing a small explosion. I was knocked over by the blast,after the smoke cleared I sat up,as Gellert approached me,he offered his hand to me which I accepted.

Once the lesson was over,I walked over to Gellert and said
"It would have been nice to know I was taking on the elder wand"
"You know what this wand is?Most just think it is a normal wand,only the teachers know different" Gellert says
"I know the story of the three brothers, its my favourite" I tell him
"I have had the elder wand for years"
"You must be a really powerful wizard,to have it for so long" I tell him
"I like to think so" Gellert says smug"Can I see your wand?"he asks,I hand over my wand"Ash,dragon heart string, eleven inches right? "
"Yeah,how did you know?" I ask
"Because, Miss Black this is no ordinary wand".

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