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Eventually I pried my self away from Gellert's side to do my homework and Gellert left to do his own work.I stayed awake until 3am doing my homework, so I was late getting up the next morning.

I trudged my way up stairs to the great hall,which was slowly emptying for Fridays lessons,but I had to eat first before I could start the day.The first lesson of the day is Care of magical creatures, which I was on my own for,as Matt and David had Ancient runes.

I sat alone at the almost empty Slytherin table,which I didn't mind.As I finished my third bacon sandwich-yes I know unhealthy-i was approached by a girl from my house
"Can I join you?" She asks,her voice was kinad posh but not snobby
"I don't see why not" I say,she sits opposite me,she had red hair and purple eyes,slim in build and pretty
"Names Rhaena" the girl introduces her self
"Charmaine Black and Chaz to my friends" I say
"Draco wanted me to thank you for the advise you gave him last month" Rhaena says
"Glad it helped" I say,I stand up"I have class
"Care of magical creatures, right?" Rhaena also stands up

We head outside,we walked behind Draco Malfoy and his friends. On the way we pass Grindelwald and I suddenly feel more awake
"Good morning,Miss Black" Gellert smirks at me
"Good morning, Professor Grindelwald" I replied also smiling, after he had passed,Rhaena said
"That's a hot teacher" I glared at the red haired girl
"Yes,your not his type" I try not to snarl at her
"How do you know?" She asks me.

"Because he is a close friend of mine" I say"Any way don't you fancy Draco?"I smirk,she stops walking and looks at me
"How did you...?" Rhaena asks shocked
"I'm an animagus-a wolf actually-and I can smell your attraction" I tell her
"Damn your good" Rhaena says,walking again.

We arrive at the edge of the forrest where the lesson was being held,I saw some other Slytherins bullying a Hufflepuff girl
"Excuse me Rhaena" I say and walk over to the group "If you don't leave her alone, I will make you" I say to the boys,they look at me
"What are you going to do prefect?" One smirks
"Anything I please" I say,and with flick of my wrist my wand is in my hand,the boys shurg and walk off
"Thank you" the Hufflepuff girls says timidly
"Your welcome" I tell her"What's your name?"
"Audrey Belby,my friends call me Audie" the girl says,she has blonde hair and green eyes,she is thin,cute with freckles
"I'm Charmaine Black, my friends call me Chaz" I say
"Hey I just heard we have a guest speaker" Rhaena says,walking over to the two of us
"Cool,Rhaena this is Audie" I introduced the two girls,whilst they stood talking-i take out my note book and opened it,the page I opened was the picture I drew of Gellert and once again I find my self smiling.
A/n this is the picture in the notebook,I drew it my self(its kinda crappy)the character Rhaena belongs to TheWriterOfDragons and Audrey belongs to WriterGirlLottie278.go follow them.

go follow them

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