What friends are for.

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Of everything I was expecting the guys to say,that was not in the top five
"Well that's better news then I expected" I tell them relieved
"What where you expecting?" Matt asks
"That you are going to tell everyone I'm dating a teacher and I'm not sixteen" I explain
"We would never do that,lass" David tells me.

"How long have you guys known that your gay?" I ask
"I have known for the past two years and David for the past three years" Matt says
"Do your parents know?" I ask
"Yeah,both mine do" David says"My dad wasn't best pleased to start with,but he came around in the end"
"My dad is not around and my mum hates the idea" Matt says sadly
"I understand,I'm not gay but my parents are homophobic" I say.

We made our way to lunch
"Well don't worry guys I'm still going to be your friend, your sexuality is your choice,you love who want to,you have my support" I say
"We are glad to hear that lass" David tells me
"That's what friends are for" I say"And I'm nothing like my parents "
"Do you guys have boyfriends?" I ask
"Yeah,each other" Matt says
"Awww,you guys are cute together" I say"Wait,David I thought you said Matt fancied me?"
"I'm bisexual"Matt explained
"Aint no shame in that".

We sat talking casually about school work,but I was thinking. I had to ask the guys if I could tell Gellert about there secret,we had no secret's from each other-i hope they won't mind
"Um guys?" I begin
"Yeah" they say
"You know that thing you told me about?" They nod"I was wondering if it would be okay if I told Gellert,we have no secrets from each other ".

"You may,on one condition" Matt says
"Sure" I agree
"You have to tell us a secret in return" David says
"Deal,Gellert and I we can talk to each other threw our minds" I say
"Dude,that's awesome" Matt says
"That's why you don't pay attention often" David smirks
"Its not like that" I groan
"If you say so lass".

I asked to meet Gellert in private
"You wanted to talk,princess" Gellert asks
"There is something Matt and David have told me,and have given me permission to tell you,as long as I told them a secret" I explain
"What did you tell them?" He asks
"That we can talk in our minds" I say
"Not about our wands?"
"Good the less people know about that the better" Gellert says
"The secret is Matt and David are gay and in a relationship" I say
"Well I wasn't expecting that" Gellert says reviled "I though they wanted us to break up"
"That's what I though,see great minds think alike" I tell him
"Well mine is the great mind,yours a bit less" Gellert says smug
"Oi..." I begin to complain only be stopped by Gellert kissing me.
"I would never break up with you,you mean to much to me" I say,after we separate
"And you mean the world to me,princess."

Tame Me (a Gellert Grindelwald love story)Where stories live. Discover now