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Gellert's P.O.V
I made my way back to my room,I know had the uneasy task of telling my girlfriend that her toxic birth parents are in the school.And if Albus is as smart as people seem to think he is,then he will keep them away from us.

I opened the door to my room and see Chaz already dressed in trainers,jeans,and her Slytherin hoodie she had for Christmas,she looks at me as I close the door and sit beside her
"What's wrong?"Chaz asks
"Who says something is wrong" I say
"Your whole body language has changed,your tense and angry" she says to me
"You know me so well" I say.

Chaz's P.O.V
Gellert pulls me onto this lap and wraps his arms around me,I rest my head on his shoulder
"The ministry have sent people to inspect the school,and two of them..." Gellert pauses before saying"are your birth parents "I freeze in place,letting his words sink in
"Princess?" I hear Gellert say
"Are you sure its them?" I ask
"Positive" I hug Gellert closer to me.

"I don't want to see them,I can't face them" I say
"Charmaine look at me" Gellert says,I pull back and look at him"If you do not feel comfortable being around them,then you don't have to be"Gellert reassure's me,I nod"And if they try to harm or upset you in any way,then they will be answering to me"
"Where are they?" I ask
"Albus sent them to the great hall,so we can go to breakfast".

We made our way down to the great hall,Gellert is looking around him every so often to make sure they are not around. We enter the great hall and I sit at the Slytherin table,only Matt and David are left
"What's up lass,you look unhappy?" David asks
"I guess you have heard about the inspectors" I say
"Yeah" they say
"The man and woman,Jeff and Olivia...there my birth parents" I tell them.

"And there in this castle" Matt says,I nod
"If they speak to you do not mention my name at all" I say"Oh and if your going to hold hands and kiss then be careful "I add
"How does Grindelwald feel about them being here?" David asks
"Not well as you can guess,he said if they come near me,then they will deal with him" I say
"I wouldn't want to get on Grindelwald's bad side" Matt says
"Especially as he has the elder wand" I tell them
"What?he has the most powerful wand" David exclaims.

"Yep" the two boys look to Gellert,who is talking to Minerva
"I'm even more scared of him now" Matt says
"What did you do to your friends?" Gellert thinks
"Just told them what wand you have,and there now scared of you even more" I say
"Yeah,I like scaring people."

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