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One swear word in this chapter.

I can't believe what I am seeing,I mean the woman is married for damn sake.I could see that the things she is saying to Gellert is making him uncomfortable, which is hard because he can be quiet suggestive.Before I even knew what I am doing I stood up
"Oi bitch" I say,causing Gellert to turn to me shocked at my sudden outburst
"You" Olivia said equally shocked.

"Just because those hypocrite's at the ministry sent you here to inspect a already brilliant school,does not mean you can sexually harasse a teacher,because your pathetic excuse of a husband is not hear" I say glaring at her
"How dare you speak to me like that, brat" Olivia says to me
"I will speak to you anyway I god damn please.I am twenty three years old,you have no power over me" I say.

"I am your mother" she says
"You lost the right to be called my mother,the moment you kicked me out" I shout.Olivia opened her mouth to replie but shut it again,turned on her heel and left.I stood there fuming, with my hands balled into fists and breathing hard.I feel Gellert wrap his arms around me from behind and I lean into him closing my eyes.

I can feel my self calming down,my breathing is calmer I am less ridged,I unfisted my hands,slowly opening my eyes as Gellert trails littles kisses down my neck.I turn and face him
"Well that was certainly unexpected" Gellert says
"Yeah,eleven years worth of anger had built up and then seeing her making you uncomfortable-i just snapped" I say
"Feel better?" Gellert smiles
"Loads" I say, smiling back.

"I have been meaning to ask" I say as me and Gellert walk down the stairs
"What's that my love?" Gellert asks
"Do you think your friends know about us yet?" I ask
"I'm not sure" Gellert tells me
"Oh but we do" we hear,we turn around at the bottom of the stairs and see a smirking Queenie with her sister Tina and her husband Newt
"Oh bugger" I hear Gellert say.

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