Christmas party part 1.

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It soon came to that one day in December I was not overly looking forward to,on the upside my friends came back yesterday,on the down side today is the Christmas party.The moment I arrived in the great hall I could feel the change in the atmosphere, most girls and some boys are excited others are not.

I sat at the Slytherin table with my friends Matt,David,Audie,Neville,Rheana and Draco.The four boys are not overly chatty about the party and neither am I,but Audie and Rheana are extremely talkative. The post arrived and I received a large box
"Ohh Chaz has a present" Matt says.

I open the note attached to the box
I took the liberty of getting this for the party for you,don't open it here.
                     Love Handsome
I look up at my friends
"What?" I ask
"So who is it from?" Rheana asks
"Gellert" I say quietly
"What is it,Chaz?" Audie asks
"My dress" I say,the girls get excited looks on there faces.

Matt snatches the box to open it
"Hey look,free Fez's" I say
"Where?" Matt looks around frantically, I quickly swap the box for one of Matt's books.He looks back at me
"What?How?" He asks bewildered
"Slight of hand bruv" I smirk.

Even though I couldn't see my boyfriend until the party, I could still talk to him
"Gellert you didn't have to get me a dress"
"I know but I knew you had not,so I found one you will like"
"You know I'm not a dress person"
"I am know that,but trust me you will love this one"
"Alright Handsome,I trust you"
"Thanks Princess".

I made my way to the entrance hall where I'm going to meet Audie and Rheana and get ready together. I had picked up the box from my dorm and stood waiting, I didn't have to wait long for the girls to arrive.We went to the Hufflepuff common room,Audie says it is empty.The girls get me ready first.

"OK first,the hair" Audie says
"What would you like done?" Rheana asks
"Half up in a ponytail and the rest left down" I tell her
"Ohhh good choice" Rheana says,the girls get to work on my hair and when it is done it looks great.
"Next,make up" Audie says
"No,never" I say
"What about nails?" Rheana asks.

"Okay" I agree,then I get a perfect design "How about dark green with silver deathly hallows on them"
"Sounds like a challenge" Rheana says.Half and hour later my nails are done and dry
"Wow,they are really good" Audie says
"Thanks Rheana" I say
"Don't thank me yet,its dress time" Rheana tells me.

I pick up the box and open it,I take out the dress and Gellert is right I do love it.The dress is a long one shoulder dress that is dark green/black at the top and it gets lighter towards the bottom. One side and the shoulder has silver on it
"That boyfriend of yours has taste" Rheana says
"I second that" Audie adds.

Eventually we are ready for the party.Audie is wearing a lovely yellow dress on one shoulder, but the opposite side to mine and her hair is in a bun.Rheana is in a dark purple dress with thin straps and her red hair is down.
"Girls I'm nervous" I say to them
"Its only natural" Audie says
"You look amazing" Rheana adds.We make our way to the entrance hall,Audie and Neville go in and then Rheana and Draco,I stand waiting with Matt at the top of the stairs whilst David is at the bottom.

"You okay,Charmaine?" Matt asks
"Yeah just nervous" I say
"Are you two coming" David calls up the stairs"There are two handsome guys waiting"Matt looks and says
"Where? I only see one"
"Thanks Matt"
"I ment Grindelwald"
"Oi,that's rude". I join Matt and lock  eyes with Gellert,And he looks simply stunning (as always).

He is wearing shiny black shoes with white on them,black trousers, a black tail coat,a white shirt,white waiscoat and bow tie,his arms are behind his back.As I reach the bottom of the stairs, Gellert walks forward and held out his hand to me-like a true gentleman.

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