Gone Wrong.

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The day went by as normal I went to my lessons,had fun with my friends and got excited about this evening with Gellert.I had got Gellert's rose with note it said"I love you more than words can say",to most it wasn't much but to me it means everything.

I received a note at dinner saying to meet Gellert in the entrance hall at 8:00pm.It is currently 7:00pm and I am heading back to the Slytherin common room,when Harry approaches me.

"Chaz can I talk to you?" Harry asks
"Sure" I say,we head outside and walk by the black lake
"So what did you want to talk about?"I ask
"Ever since the Christmas party I have been meaning to ask out Ginny for some time,and I was wondering how I should tell Ron?" Harry asks
"First tell Ginny how you feel,then you can deal with Ron and if your not sure ask Hermione-she is his girlfriend" I suggest
"Yeah,I will try" Harry says.

Me and Harry are heading back to the castle when a figure in a black cloak, step out of the trees of the Forrest
"Traitor" the person said,and then fired a spell at me.I feel my self fly threw the air and hit the ground hard,I hear Harry call out my name,but every thing went black.

Gellert's P.O.V
Even though I told Chaz to meet me for 8:00pm and it is only 7:30pm,I decided to head to the Slytherin common room to meet Chaz.When I got there David is about to go in
"Mr.Tennant have you seen Miss.Black?" I ask
"No sir,she was in the library last I knew" David said.I headed back up to the entrance hall, I looked around to see if Chaz is around but only saw Minerva and what looked like blood.

"What happened here?" I ask Minerva
"I decided to stay here and tell you this myself" Minerva tells me
"Tell me what?" I ask
"Its Miss.Black...she has been attacked" Minerva says.I could hardly believe what she had just said,Chaz attacked by who or what"Gellert? "I hear Minerva ask
"Where is she now?" I ask
"The hospital wing,Albus took her their" Minerva says.

I set off running straight to the hospital, the only thought running threw my mind was"is she alive".I have never been so relieved to see the hospital doors.I threw the doors open and before I got two steps inside,Albus came over to me
"We need to talk" he says
"I need to see Chaz" I say
"You can but we have to talk first" Albus says.

"Hurry up then" I say worried
"Mr Potter and Miss Black where heading back to the castle when someone attacked Miss Black. Mr Potter said he could not see who the person was,they hit Miss Black with a spell...it hit close to her heart" Albus tells me
"Is she alive?" I ask fearing the worst
"In reality she should be dead but she is not,Madame Pomfrey has put her to sleep for now to help her body to heal faster."

I could hardly believe what Albus had just told me,Chaz is bearly alive.I make my way over to her bed,I see that her entire left shoulder is covered in bandages,her beautiful face is paler than normal due to the blood loss.I sit beside her and take her hand, I hear Albus walk over and say
"Her father will be here soon,as of now the castle is on lock down and I will do everything to find out who did this to Miss Black".

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