Tell me.

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A/n this will get a little in the feels,it did me.I cried a little writing this.

I closed the door behind Gellert and walked over and sat down beside him on the sofa
"Feel free to tell me as much or as little as you would like"Gellert tells me
"My birth parents made sure I knew I had magic from a young age" I begin"It was only when I started my very first school I knew I was really different. My parents told me to tell the children my dad is a magician and my mum is his assistant, I was only five...I met Alice and Katie on my first day.At first they didn't do any thing to me,it was only as we got older they started to torment me"I say.

"Muggles" I hear Gellert growl
"The girls liked to push me around,call me names-there favorite name was freak. Once they became friends with Alex,things got worse- he would give me swerlies(wrong spelling I think)" I say
"A what?" Gellert asks
"He shoved my head down a toilet and flushed it" I explained
"That could have killed you" Gellert says.

"I know,they also had Alex hold my arms behind my back whilst they hit me.Most if not all of these things happened at lunch time or after school" I say
"Did you tell your parents or teachers?" Gellert asks me
"My parents said it would do me some good,toughen me up so when I told my teachers,my parents said that I made everything up" I finished.

"I really hate your birth parents" Gellert says
"Me too" I say,we sat in silence for a few minutes until Gellert says
"I know how it feels to be bullied" I look at Gellert shocked
"You do?" I ask
"Yeah,when you have eyes like I do,you are bound to get bullied" Gellert tells me
"But your eyes are beautiful,Gellert" I say.

"You are the only one to think so" Gellert continued "The lads at Drumstrang could never work out why I looked they way I do,so one day...they tried to do something about it"
"What do you mean" I ask,Gellert looks away from me and continues
"A group of five boys that bullied me the most corned me one day,they dragged me into a empty class room...four of them pinned my arms and legs to stop me from struggling...the fifth boy Monroe Baxter he..." Gellert paused,whatever he is going to say is clearly distressing him."He tried to take out my whiteish blue eye...if I had not learnt wandless magic it...could have been much worse".

I sat in shock,some boy wanted to blind Gellert for having two eye colours,what sort of animal would do that.I could see silent tears making there way down Gellert's handsome face.I pulled him into a hug
"I am so so sorry that happened to you" I say,feeling my self begin to cry
" wasn't your fault" Gellert says.

We sat crying and holding each other,I thought being punched every day was bad,but almost losing an eye is much worse.Gellert pulls back slightly from the hug and wipes away my tears with his thumbs.I wipe his away for him,he smiles weakly at me
"We are a right pair" he says
"Yeah a right pair of muppets" I say,Gellert chuckles slightly "Time for bed" I say standing up and pulling Gellert up, and walking into my room.We lay down beside each other,I cuddled into Gellert's chest as he wraps his arms around me
"No matter what these boys said,your eyes are truely beautiful".

Tame Me (a Gellert Grindelwald love story)Where stories live. Discover now