First Time.

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A/n Smut warning. If you can't read this then please don't. Keep in mind this is my first time writing this stuff so hear goes.

Once inside my bedroom,Gellert walks over to the bed and puts me down onto it.I watch as he walks back over to the door and casts a spell locking the door,he takes off his black trench coat and dark blue waist coat,walks back towards the bed,climbs onto the bed and on top of me.I waste no time pulling him into another heated kiss,I felt Gellert's tounge enter my mouth and our tounges fight against each other,until I submit knowing Gellert will win.I feel my whole body begin to heat up,Gellert broke the kiss and looked down at me,his mis matched eyes are full of love and lust,as they are darker than normal his whiteish blue eye is almost blue and his chocolate brown eye is almost black
"Are you sure you want to do this,my love?" Gellert asks
"I'm sure Gellert,I have...never done this before" I tell him
"You will be safe with me,I would rather die than hurt you" Gellert says
"I know,I trust you completely" I say.

I place my hands onto Gellert's chest and rip his shirt open
"Oi,that's my favorite shirt" Gellert complains
"Its a shirt,you probably have loads" I smirk
"Not the point" Gellert pouts
"I wanted to see you shirtless" I say,as I watch Gellert take off his white tie from around his neck and remove his shirt completely,I take the chance and run my hands over his pale chest.He is not massively muscled but he is not scrawny either,to me he is perfect

(A/n I'm not sorry for his picture of sexyness)"Enjoying your self?"Gellert asks"Yep" whilst I had my hands on his chest,Gellert took the opportunity to take off my shirt"Now we are even" He says before he starts kissing my chest

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(A/n I'm not sorry for his picture of sexyness)
"Enjoying your self?"Gellert asks
"Yep" whilst I had my hands on his chest,Gellert took the opportunity to take off my shirt
"Now we are even" He says before he starts kissing my chest.

He kissed down to the waist band of my trousers and kisses his way back up to my breast's,Gellert gently pulled me up into a sitting position as he reached behind me and unhooked my bra,taking it off and never breaking eye contact as he throws the bra somewhere behind him-i lay back down. Gellert's piercing gaze trailed over the top half of my body
"Your so beautiful"Gellert tells me,I suddenly gasp as he takes my left breast into his mouth and massages the right.I couldn't help but moan,this is only the fore play and I'm already on fire.As Gellert moved back up to kiss my lips I felt the large bulg in his leather trousers rub against my thigh,I moved my leg slightly and I heard Gellert moan,and it was the hottest sound I had ever heard.

Gellert pulled back and sat on his knees as he took off my trousers and shoes,leaving me in my Garfield pants that said" I hate Mondays ",Gellert smirked
"You know its Friday?"
"No duh Sherlock" I say,rolling my eyes
"Sassy minx" Gellert spreads my legs slightly and breathes hard onto my clothed core making me squirm at the feeling.He began to rub over my pants
"A-ahh Gellert" I moand,he altered between rubing fast and slow just to tease me,I whined as he removed his hand only to gasp as he took off my pants and inserted a finger into my core.He began to thrust his finger in and out slowly, I jumped when he entered a second finger and thrust them faster.I could feel a coil begin to tighten in my stomach.I felt my stomach tighten as I came on his fingers.I watched breathing hard as Gellert pulled his fingers out and raised them to his mouth and sucked them clean.

Gellert stood up fully and took off his boots and leather trousers, kicking them aside.I looked over his body as he stood in his boxers,he lay back down on top of me his clothed cock pushed against my core.He kissed me again a little more rough,his tounge tracing every inch of my mouth.As we kissed Gellert reached down and pulled off his boxers leaving him fully naked,as he broke the kiss to toss his boxers away,I took the chance to look at his manhood-and it is bigger than I thought.Gellert caught my attention
"I will be gentle,I promise" Gellert lined his cock up with my entrance, looked at me and I nodded and he slowly entered me,muttering something.

The pain wasn't so bad,I felt a bit of blood run down my leg.Once fully inside me Gellert stopped giving me time to adjust to his size.The pain faded and pleasure took over
"Move please" I say and Gellert began to thrust into me slowly.I didn't complain about his slow place,I am enjoying it to much to whine.Gellert placed his lips onto my neck as he began to,bite my neck he thrusted faster and I felt the coil begin to build again
"Mmm Gellert" I moaned,I was glad one of us knew what to do
"A-ahh Chaz,you feel so g-good" Gellert purred,which only made the feeling in my stomach worse.

I was getting close,but I don't think Gellert is
"Gellert I'm...close" I moan
"Then come for me,princess" Gellert groaned,as he leaned down and began to thrust faster.I came not long after moaning his name.Gellert didn't slow down and the feeling soon returned, we soon both came at the same time.Gellert pulled out and rolled off me,I cuddled into him.Once my breathing even out I asked
"What was that spell you muttered?"
"A protection spell,so you won't get pregnant" Gellert explained, running his fingers down my arm
"Like a condom"
"A what?"
"Remind me to give you a muggle lesson" I say
"Only for you my love" Gellert says,as we drift off to sleep.

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