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Now that all of my friends had romantic partners,Rhaena had taken it upon her self to try and set me up with a guy.I know she means well but I have a boyfriend but she does not know that,I'm not entirely certain Rhaena would except my relationship with Gellert.Audie is a different matter.

I am in dueling,but I wasn't paying attention and it has nothing to do with Gellert for once.I knew Gellert is watching me,I can feel his gaze on me
"Are you alright,princess?" Gellert asks in my mind
"Kinda,there is something I need to talk to you about" I say
"Ok...we can talk once the lessons are over" Gellert says.

Not to far before the second lesson ended Rhaena passed Matt a note to hand to me
"From Rhaena" Matt whispers as he hands me the note,it said
"Chaz,I know you said the rumors about you and Jason walker wasn't true but have you considered him?"
"Don't even go there" I send back
"Why not?he is good looking, popular, plays quidditch and already likes you" she replies
"The only thing he likes about me,is the wrong stuff" I say
"Yeah but I don't like you being single" before I replied the note flew out of my hand,I looked up to see Gellert had it.

"Miss Black,stay after the lesson is over" He said
"Yes sir" I say.
After the lesson ended,I stayed in my seat and Gellert closed the door and came and sat in front of me
"Can you tell me about this note?" He asks
"Rhaena has got it into her head that because I " don't have a boyfriend ",she thinks I should go out with Jason Walker" I tell him
"Why him of all the boys?"
"I don't know" I say"That's what I wanted to talk to you about ".

"I think the only way to get Rhaena to leave me alone about being " single"is to tell her about us,but I'm not sure how she will react"I confessed
"That's what you wanted to talk about" Gellert says"I thought you were going to leave me for someone your own age"I stand up and walk over to Gellert and hug him
"It doesn't matter that you are older then me,Gellert I like you no matter your age" I say
"I couldn't stand it if you left me,it would break my heart" Gellert tells me"I love you Charmaine. "

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