Unexpected Discovery.

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"What do you mean?" I ask him
"I have the power to read minds,I also have the power to see things-visions about things that connect to my life" Gellert begins to explain "A few years ago I had a vision about a wand that had similar capabilities as the elder wand,it was only before the school year started that I had a second vision, and it showed me more about this wand,your wand"
"Are you saying my wand is like a twin to the elder wand" I ask him
"Yes" I could not believe it,my simple Ash wand was a twin to the elder wand.

Me and Gellert head out of the class room and head to the great hall
"Have you talked to Albus about me yet?" I ask him
"No,not yet" Gellert admits"I was hoping that you would tell me yourself "
"Sure,when?" I ask him
"Tomorrow or Sunday"
"Same time tomorrow is good" we had arrived at the great hall
"As long as I don't get called to a meeting,I will meet you outside my classroom" Gellert says to me
"Well I hope that doesn't happen,meetings are so boring" I say,Gellert smiles a heart stopping smile before he heads off to the staff table,and I join Matt and David at the Slytherin table.

Gellert's P.O.V
I have no idea why I smiled at Charmaine, I mean I hardly know the woman,yet just being around her makes me want to talk to her,impress her even.I'm just so at ease around her,it is all confusing to me.I made my way to my seat and sat down,I glance over the students and I found myself looking at Charmaine again,she was talking with her friends.

Someone sat beside me,I assumed it was Severus.I was wrong
"May we talk?" It was Albus
"Even if I say no,you will still talk" I tell him
"I couldn't help but notice that you arrived with Miss Black" he says
"What of it" I demand
"I mean no offense, its I have not seen you smile at anyone for a long time" Albus continues
"Am I not allowed to make friends" I say
"What do you know of Miss Black?" he asks
"She is a powerful witch,good at potions and dueling,she cares about her family and friends. And is not like any woman I have ever met" I say looking back at Charmaine, Albus followed my gaze.He smiled like he had worked out a secret
"Any thing else?" I ask
"No,I shall disturb you no longer".

Albus P.o.v
I returned to my own seat and Minerva asks
"So what did he say?"
"He said she is not like any woman he has ever met" I say
"Who is?" She asks me
"I think our cold hearted dueling teacher has a soft spot for Miss Black" I say
"Now Albus,don't go causing trouble for him,you know Gellert will hate you more".

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