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Warning this chapter contains Smut,if you can't read feel free to skip.

We arrived in Gellert's bedroom, and he closed the curtains and dimmed the lights so there is just enough light to see each other
"Is it weird I want to talk now?" I ask
"No not really,your weirdness is what I love about you" Gellert tells me,as he starts to kiss down my neck
"You do realize that a lot of young girls will fantasize about having sex with a teacher of there's" I say,Gellert pulls back to look at me
"Are you in a weird mood?"
"I think so" I say.

"Alright then" Gellert says,picking me up and tossing me onto his bed,before climbing on top of me and pinning my hands over my head"Then let's have some fun"Gellert kisses me and wastes no time inserting his tounge into my mouth,exploring every inch.He let's go of my hands and I run them threw his hair,pulling his head back to look at him
"My turn" I say and push Gellert over onto his back and stradel his waist,trapping his arms under my legs,Gellert looks at me shocked"What you actually believed that weird mood thing,I tricked you handsome "
"You sexy minx" Gellert says,I pull him up by his white tie but stop him from kissing me.

"Help a minx out" I say,Gellert gets the hit and makes his coat,waist coat and shirt disappear "Good boy" I say pulling off his white tie and pushing him back down.I lean down and being to suck and bite on his neck,finding his soft spot easy.The more I attacked it the more it drove Gellert crazy,I sit up and admire my handy work-lots of small hickeys surround one big one on the side of Gellert's neck,he flipped us so I am back under him again
"You like being on top don't you?" I ask
"Its my nature,princess" Gellert smirks,taking off my shirt and bra.He looks over my top half"That's a sight I certainly have missed"He kisses me again as his large hands play with my breasts,I moan into his mouth making him smirk.

"Enough games" Gellert says and in the blink of an eye the rest of our clothes are gone and we are both naked,Gellert utters his protection spell as he lines his cock up with my entrance "Are you ready,my love?" Gellert asks
"Yes" I say and Gellert pushes into me  causing us to both moan at the feeling- he allows me to adjust to his size for a few moments, I nod allowing him to being to thrust into me
"I have missed this" Gellert grunts
"Tell me about it" I moan.

Of course it didn't take long for the coil to begin to tighten in my stomach, as this is only my second time
"You close,princess?" Gellert asks
"Y-yes" I say moaning loudly
"I want you to look at me when you come undone" Gellert demands,as he begins to thrust faster into me.His thrusts are slightly harder this time but not enough to hurt me.I did as Gellert asked and kept eye contact as I came onto his cock "Fuck,that was so sexy" Gellert says,halting his movements, I lay there trying to catch my breath.

"Can you carry on?" Gellert asks,he is still completely hard with in me
"Y-yeah,keep going" I tell him
"Let's try something else" Gellert says,he pulls out and lies down on his back,his member standing,leaking pre come"I want you to ride me"
"Alright" I say,I put my legs on either side of him like I did before, Gellert puts his hands onto my hips and guides me down into his cock moaning at the feeling. It is a new feeling, but I like this angle
"Are you OK?I'm not hurting you am I" Gellert asks concerned
"It hurts a little bit" I tell him.

Gellert kept his large hands on my hips as he helped me to ride him,we started off slow to get me used to it,but I began to move faster as I could see that Gellert wanted to go faster,his thrusts became sloppy as he is close to coming and I am I again.With a few more thrusts we came moaning each others names.I lay down onto Gellert's chest panting. Even though his chest is sweaty I didn't care.Gellert pulled out of me and layed me down beside him
"How are you feeling,my love" Gellert asks
"Amazing, but sore" I say looking at him
"I'm so sorry for hurting you,princess" Gellert says, kissing me on the forehead
"You didn't hurt me,I will get used to sex" I reassure him
"Then we shall wash,dress and head down to eat".

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