Not Good.

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Warning this first bit is a little bit naughty,not quite smut.

The next morning I woke up feeling better,my back wasn't really hurting and I could feel my left shoulder again.I stretch feeling my bones click as I do so,I go to try and stand up but I am stopped by strong arms
"Going some where?" Gellert asks
"Just trying to get up" I say facing him,he opens his eyes and says
"Why do you need to get up,its only Saturday" Gellert says,pulling me closer to his chest
"To get breakfast and start the day" I say.

"We have time,princess" Gellert says
"Time?Time for what?" I ask, Gellert only smirks at me as he closes the gap and kisses me.He shifts his body so he has me pinned beneath him,after he breaks the kiss he smirks again
"Now you see why you can't leave"
"Your such a bad boy" I say

As we made out again Gellert who had his hands on my hips,lowers his right hand down to the waist band of my Pyjama bottom's,he trails his fingers over my stomach a few times as I run my fingers threw his platinum blond hair,only to pull on it as I feel fingers inserted into my core.I moaned against Gellert's lips,he looks down at me
"Shh princess, this room isn't currently sound proof".

"What do you mean?" I say,whilst still thrusting his fingers in me,Gellert explained
"It means my love,if you make to much noise someone might hear" and as if on que,I moaned again only louder
"Why are you tormenting me with pleasure?" I gasp
"Its just who I am" Gellert says smug,I growl at him only for Gellert to start biting at my neck.It seemed like he wanted me to moan louder because that's what I did,only Gellert placed his free hand to my lips to silence me and stilled his fingers in side me.

"What's the matter?" I ask
"Listen" he says,we lay in silence for a few seconds then we hear loud knocking on the door of the main room.Gellert put his head in the crook of my neck"If that's Beard Face,I am going to throttle him"he pulled his finger out,stood up and with a flick of his wrist he is dressed in his white shirt,leather trousers,boots and his hair is perfect
"I won't be long" Gellert tells me,before licking clean his finger that had been in me only moments ago.

Gellert's P.O.V
I walked over to the door,unlocked and opened it to see Minerva
"To what do I owe such a early visit?" I ask
"The headmaster would like to see you in his office" she tells me
"Has Albus never heard of sleeping in" I grumble,closing the door behind me and following Minerva.I informed Chaz of where I am going.

The two of us walk in and I notice Albus is stood in front of his desk and that Queenie and Tina are there as well as the other heads of houses
"I'm sorry to call you all hear this early,but I have just received some news" Albus says "The ministry of magic are sending some employees hear to do a inspection of the school"
When do they arrive "Flitwick asks
"Any moment" Albus says.

Albus P.O.V
A few seconds later a knock is heard on the door
"Come in" I say
The door opens and three men and a woman come in
"We are the ministry inspectors" a small man with thinning grey hair says"I am George Cox,he is Caro Proctor and the other two are Jeff and Olivia Kingston "the moment George Cox said the last two names,Gellert's body language changed.From being relaxed to upright and glaring at the man and woman.

I know who they are as does he,this is really not good
" Minerva kindly show our guests to the great hall,I shall join you in a moment "I say,once they are gone
"Don't even think about it" I say to Gellert
"Do what?" He snaps
"You know what" I tell him
"They stay out of my way,I stay out of there's.That way no one gets hurt"Gellert all but snarls at me,before leaving my office and slamming the door.

The room is silent
"What was that all about?" Tina asks
"They are Miss Black's parents" I say.Today is going to be hard,entertaining ministry people whilst keeping them away from a very angry Grindelwald.

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