New Friends.

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I had just finished putting on my uniform,when the door to my compartment opened and two boys stood in the doorway
"Sorry to disturb you,can we stay here.The other people in our compartment are bullying us" one boy said
"Sure" I said smiling, they where both in my house
"Allow us to introduce our selves,I am David Tennant" the taller of the two said
"Ohhh Scottish"I said.David was tall with brown hair and brown eyes,he was quiet slim
"That I am lass" he says
"And I am Matthew Smith,my friends call me Matt" the other said. Matt was slightly shorter than David,with floppy brown hair and green eyes
"Your cute" I said to Matt causing him to blush."I'm Charmaine Black,or Chaz"I told them

A/n I case you don't know this is what Matt and David look like

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A/n I case you don't know this is what Matt and David look like.

"Are you new this year" David asks
"Care to explain" Matt asks,so I tell them I'm really twenty three not sixteen
"Why would anyone want to go back to school" Matt says
"I promised my dad" I tell them.
"Since your a prefect can you do something about those guys back there?" David asks
"Not officially" I say.

We talked abit longer then got off the train together
"Since your older than us,do you know what pulls the carriages?" Matt asks
"Thestrals.Only people that have seen death can see them" I explain "I saw my grandmother get run over by a car when I was six"
"Sorry"they both say.

                        Time skip to feast.

Even though loads of people respected and admired Albus Dumbledore,most of the time the things he said made no sense at all.I was sat with Matt and David was on the other side of the bench.He looked between me and Matt and said
"You guys could be twins,same hair colour and eye colour"
"If we are twins,then I'm the good looking one" Matt smirks
"Um twins look like each other,so we would both be good looking" I tell Matt,wiping the smirk from his face.David howled with laughter, causing people to look at us funny
"OK Scotsman, take it down a notch-people are staring" I tell David,who was crying from laughing so much,until he started to cough.

"Serves you right" Matt says.Whilst the two boys argued, I looked around me.I glanced over to the Gryffindor table and see Harry with his two best friends,Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger.As I watched the other tables,I could sense someone was watching me.I turned my attention back to Matt and David,but it wasn't them.Which ment it had to be a member of staff that was watching me.

I glance along the staff table to wear Snape was talking to McGonagall and then beside him was a man I had never seen before.He was wearing a dark blue waist coat,a white shirt,a white tie was loosely tied around his neck and he had on a black trench coat.His skin is very pale,like a vampire.His platinum blonde hair was standing upright in a cool way,he was clean shaven apart from a moustache.

It was this man who was watching me.He noticed me looking at him,he winked at me smirking,causing me to look away and for my face to heat up
"Guys?" I say
"Yeah" Matt and David say together
"Who's that man beside Snape?" I ask
"That is Professor Grindelwald" David says
"He teaches dueling" Matt adds.

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