Suspicious friends.

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Once I had taken a shower and changed my clothes to something more comfy-dark blue jeans,black ankle boots,Avengers t shirt and my leather jacket-that now had various logos on it kinda like a bikers jacket.Gellert is still here,he seemed much calmer now
"You seem more calm" I saw walking over to him
"I am,I had plenty experience dealing with things like this" Gellert says,I knew exactly what he ment
"If you had asked,I would have helped"
"I don't know what your talking about" Gellert says
"Your little problem,well big,hard problem" I smirk.Gellert pulls me closer by the waist
"Well next time I have that kind of problem, I will come to you first-deal"

We walk back up to the castle talking casually,we could not hold hands as there are to many people around. Lunch had just began
"Why don't we go to lunch early, and then spend the rest of the day together" Gellert suggests
"I would love too" I say before we head into the great hall,Gellert pulls me to the side and gives me a long,slow,passionate and meaningful kiss,it is kisses like this that make me weak all over.

We pull apart and I could feel that my face is on fire,I couldn't help but smile at Gellert
"I love you Gellert,so much" I say
"And I love you so much more,my love" Gellert replied. We enter the great hall separate and I sit at the half empty Slytherin table,I'm surprised when Audie joins me.

Gellert's P.O.V
I sat down at the staff table,I watched Chaz talk to one of her friends for a few moments.I have never been so happy in my life,sure I have had my fair share of relationship's,but none have been like this.I took my gaze off of my beautiful girlfriend and talked with Severus.

Albus's P.O.V
I sat talking to Minerva,when our conversation is interrupted
"Excuse me head master" I turn my head and see Katherine Wood
"Yes Miss Wood,how may I help you?" I ask
"I would like to know the name of that girl,that was rude to me on the quidditch pitch?" Katherine asks
"That would be Miss Black,if you have a complaint talk to Severus about her-though he probably won't help,because Miss Black is one of his best students" I tell her,she glares at me before storming off.

Some movement behind me caught my attention, I turn and see it is one of the other guests-Queenie Kowalski
"What are you doing Mrs Kowalski?" I ask
"Umm...admiring the lovely hour glasses" Queenie says before she hurries back to her seat,beside her sister Tina Scamander who in turn is sat beside her husband Newt Scamander
"What were you doing really sister?" Tina asks
"It looks like Gellert has something on his neck" the blond says
"You mean his skin?" Newt asks.

"I mean besides his skin,Newt" Queenie says
"Mabey its a bruise?" Tina suggests,Queenie suddenly gasps
"I've got it,its a hickey-has Gellert got a girlfriend?" I feel three pairs of eyes look at me
"Yes he has"Minerva says
" Minerva!"I say shocked
"Who is she?" Tina inquiries
"I...can not say" I say
"Why not?come on Albus you must know?" Queenie begs
"I do,but I would rather not be cursed" I say
"If Grindelwald wants to tell us,he will when he is ready" Newt says
"I doubt that,but you never know" I say,we all look at Gellert
"He certainly is a lot happier" Tina states
"Love will do that to you"

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