The new headmaster.

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A/n things get a little tense,no smut...yet

I couldn't think of any thing to say to that.I knew perfectly well what Gellert ment
"Why did you want to see me?" I ask
"I need someone to deliver messages and do other stuff for me-so I thought of you" Gellert explains
"OK what do I do first?" I ask"And keep it clean"I add in my head,Gellert smirks before saying
"For now you may go and collect your things and come back".

I headed back to my class and explained things to Lockhart, I walked over to my desk to get my stuff
"Where are you going?"Rheana asks
"Any one asks,I'm in detention" I say
"With the headmaster?" Audie asks
"Yeah,it'll be fun" I say
"But your not keen on Dumbledore" David said
"Not him he's at the ministry, so Gellert is in charge" I say.

"So that's why your in detention with him" Matt says
"What?" I ask
" know" Matt hints
"Matthew Smith get your mind out of the gutter" I say "And besides their are to many portraits in there for that" And with that I head back to the new headmaster. At first I had nothing to do,so I did my homework. But I could feel Gellert staring at me which is very off putting.

"Will you stop staring" I say quietly to him
"No I like looking at you" Gellert says
"And stop with the dirty thoughts,its making me..." I begin
"A good kind of uncomfortable" Gellert suggests
"Yes" I say
"Good" Gellert says satisfied
"Its going to be a long day" I groan and put my head down on the desk
"I can make it a long night,if you want" I hear Gellert think.

"I'm going to lunch" I quickly say standing up and hurrying to the door,only to be caught on the other side of the door by Gellert,pushing me against the wall and trapping me between his arms
"Going somewhere?" He asks,his tone deep and low
"To lunch,whilst you have a cold  shower-you horny bag of testosterone" I say
"You know cold showers don't work on me,I love the cold" he says leaning into me.

"Then you will just have to keep your hands to your self" I say not fully meaning my words
"We both don't want that,now do we" Gellert says then he kisses me,using one of his large hands he holds both of mine above my head and the other makes its way into my underwear, and inserting it's self into my person. I moan against his lips at the feeling, Gellert pulls back and looks down at me
"Now who needs the cold shower"I couldn't speak,so he pulled his hand out of my underwear, let's go of my hands and says"What's the matter Gellert got your tounge"with a final kiss to my lips,he wanders off leaving me just standing there.

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