Thank You.

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This is inspired by BayBay08

Gellert:Greetings my brother and sister wizards,it is nice to see you all...

Chaz interrupting: Hold on Gellert what if someone is not a witch or wizard?

Gellert:Would you not interrupt,my love.

Chaz:Sorry but I though I made a valid point.

Gellert rolls his eyes:Fine Greetings my brother and sister wizards...and muggles

Chaz:See was that so hard?

Gellert:Will you stop interrupting me?(chaz holds up hands in defence) Thank you,as I was saying it is nice to see all of you who has taken the time to read my book.

Chaz:Your book? No its my book.

Gellert:What does the title say my love?

Chaz:Tame Me a Gellert Grindelwald love story...

Gellert:Exactly and who am I?

Chaz:Johnny Depp?

Gellert gives her a look

Chaz:Fine you are Gellert Grindelwald.

Gellert: So you see it is my book,my name is in the title.

Chaz:Yeah but I'm the main character.

Gellert:Main female yes,but it is still my book.Any way we are getting off topic.

Chaz:So get on with it then,Mr loves the sound of his own voice

Gellert:Is it my fault I am a excellent public speaker?

Chaz:I guess not

Gellert: I would like to take this moment to thank you all personally for reading...

Chaz interrupting: Our book

Gellert:What did I say about the interrupting?

Chaz:to not too.

Gellert:Exactly, it means a tremendous amount to the author Grindelwaldsparrow...

Chaz:You know I'm based off her

Gellert:Again with the interrupting

Chaz:Sorry but its just how I am typed

Gellert:Well I cant argue with that. Anyway we hope you have enjoyed our story so far and hope to hear from you all in future chapters of this amazing book

Chaz:Hey let's us know in the comments what has been you favorite parts of the story.

Gellert: Hey that was my line?

Chaz: Got there first.And if any of you are wondering what happen to the mystery person that attacked me,they will be revealed soon.

Gellert: When I get my hands on them I going to...

Chaz:Yes alright, Mr aggressive I think the readers know what you want to do to them,but it is up to the author to decide there fate.

Gellert: Yes but she like you and all these readers adore me and cannot say no to me,so I will get what I want.

Chaz:Your really full of your self.

Gellert: Yeah but you love it. got me there

Gellert:of course I have. So once again thank you to every single person that has read this wonderfu book,we hope you keep on reading our story.

Chaz: don't forget to vote and comment on the chapters as they come.

Gellert: I love you all my loyal followers and I look forward to hearing you comments in the coming chapters.

Chaz:I hope you include me in that sentence

Gellert: of course I did

Chaz: and what do you mean followers,you don't have followers?

Gellert: do I not? I am Gellert Grindelwald the most handsome wizard ever...

Chaz:there called fangirls Gellert,not followers

Gellert: same thing really

Chaz:you just don't like being wrong

Gellert:Chaz my love,I am never wrong

Chaz:that's because you can read minds...(Gellert puts hand over chaz'mouth)

Gellert: Thank you all again, stay safe and rember the Greater Good needs you.

Tame Me (a Gellert Grindelwald love story)Where stories live. Discover now