Good morning.

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The next morning I awoke to a sunny but chilly day.Once my eyes adjusted to the light in the room,I turn my head and see Gellert already awake
"Morning my love"
"Morning handsome" I say,rolling over and resting my head on his chest.

"How are you feeling?" Gellert asks,as he begins to play with my hair
"A little sore,but that's normal" I say
"You know for someone who has no experience in love making,you sure know plenty" Gellert tells me
"I read a book on it" I say
"Really?" Gellert asks,looking down at me
"Yeah,and my so called mother took it upon her self and gave me a detailed lesson-at a young age" I say.

"What time is it?" Gellert asks,I turn over to my night stand and grab my phone,the screen says 8:30am
"Its 8:30" I say
"What is this?"Gellert asks, taking my phone from my hand and examines it
"A mobile phone" I say
"Who is he?"Gellert asks
"That fine man is Robert Downey Jr aka Iron Man" I say

"What time is it?" Gellert asks,I turn over to my night stand and grab my phone,the screen says 8:30am"Its 8:30" I say"What is this?"Gellert asks, taking my phone from my hand and examines it"A mobile phone" I say"Who is he?"Gellert asks"That fine...

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(A/n chaz's wallpaper on her phone)
"I have him as my wallpaper,because I don't have one of us"
"None of that made any sense to me" Gellert says handing back my phone.

"Well unfortunately princess, I have a meeting at 9:10am" Gellert says getting out of bed and finding his clothes
"Well I have quidditch practice at 9:30am,so I can just chill" I say smug.Once Gellert is fully dressed he came and sat beside me
"Hopefully we can spend time together later" Gellert says before leaning in and kissing me,I feel my back hit the bed again.I run my hands threw Gellert's perfect platinum blonde hair as we kissed,but I had to gently push Gellert off before things got heated-again.

"OK,I get the hint" Gellert says,I give him one final kiss and he leaves.I lay there breathing hard from my recent make out.I eventually get up and do my morning routine, and head down to the great hall in my quidditch robes.I joined Matt and David at the Slytherin table
"Morning Chaz" Matt greets
"Morning" I say, smiling
"Why are you so chipper this morning?" David asks
"Am I not normally?" I ask
"No" Matt and David say together.

"I just had a good night"I say casually, eating my toast
"OK then,anyway its the reserve players your working with today" Matt says(A/n I forgot to mention Chaz is the team captain thanks to Snape)
"Then why are you not ready?"I ask,Matt is a reserve chaser
"I forgot is all" Matt says,David takes a drink of his apple juice as I say
"You forgot huh,I thought you where to busy making out with the Scotsman" I tease,causing Matt to turn red and David to choke on his juice
"How did you know that,lass" David asks,once he had finished coughing
"I didn't you just told me" I smirk
"Damn you" Matt says,giving me a playful shove.

Meanwhile in the meeting
Gellert's P.O.V

"Why on earth didn't you tell me" I demand
"I didn't think it would concern you" Albus says
"Of course it concerns me" I say"Out of all the last minute guest here today,you fail to mention one is my ex girlfriend,the same woman who cheated on me,and you who was ment to be my best friend failed to tell me"I said angrily
"I had no need to tell you, because until this morning Filius was helping with the guest,but he has something else to do" Albus says nervous.
"Great.What had started out as a good morning is rapidly turning into a crap one" I think.

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